When we are not ignorant and acknowledge our flaws, we can start becoming better gradually. It is definitely positive in all materialistic matters but not in love and romance which is elaborated later in this article. Official Facebook Page Astrology.Community, Official Facebook Group Vedic Astrology Community, Discover what was written by Sages in personalised premium report. The full moon at 16 degrees Virgo will take place early in the morning on March 7th. 5th, 7th and 9th aspects. The Sun in 19 degrees Aries, the Moon in 3 degrees Taurus, Mercury in 15 degrees Virgo, Venus in 27 degrees Pisces , Mars in 28 degrees Capricorn , Jupiter in 15 degrees Cancer, Saturn in 21 degrees Libra and the Moon's Northern Node in 3 degrees Gemini . Venus is about the purest form of universal love. I am a Libra sun too, so I think overall its a positive placement, if not with the full benefit of a Venus placement. Thank you very much for sharing your situation with us. You said something to me through this forum, and initially I was annoyed. The exaltation is a place of awareness for the planet, whereas the fall is a position of weakness concerning the function of the planet. Alternatively, people with this combination may be involved in organizations and companies of victims, who have for some reason lost balance in life. . Here only the superficial materialistic aspect of Venus finds its way through our six sins or Shada Ripus. http://www.skyscript.co.uk/essential_dignities.html. Here Venus promises less obstacles, but at the same time the person lacks moral character and tactfulness.6th There will be a tendency to find fault in the partner. This can lead to situations where they ignore all the good people and attract greedy and materialistic ones by their side. Over indulgence in the matters of sensuality is a major sign of debilitated Venus. It makes them realize that they do have a lot of things and traits to be grateful for. I was born the 22 of August, 1989, at 8:14 pm in Santiago, Chile. Strong relationships are made when both people have nurtured it with care and communication. comes down to a very deep seated self denial. This transit will bring all kind of positive changes with it, but the only thing we have to do is to take advantage of them. Knowing that a person would love to stand by your side no matter what the situation is, feels great. Venus in Virgo Meaning and Personality Traits | Ryan Hart This makes Venus highly reliant on the dignity and condition of Mercury in the birth chart. A debilitated Venus means when the Planet Venus in a Kundli is at its weakest. Natal Sun Conjunct Mercury Venus in Virgo Compatibility, Why is Venus in Virgo Debilitated? Venus as the planet of arts, aesthetics, and beauty brings strong creative traits out of individuals with this combination. Venus usually is considered an auspicious planet but when it enters Virgo, it gets weakened and has a lot of consequences and causes a lot of changes in the life of the native. The native with debilitated Venus will be attracted towards an extravagant lifestyle and move away from the sacredness and . As per popular opinion, a debilitated Venus is negatively linked and is associated with several bad things along with a number of malefic effects it casts upon the native. Venus rules the second and ninth house. Sun is exalted in Aries and debilitated in Libra.It should be noted that, opposite sign or 7th sign from the exaltation house is the sign of debilitation. Therefore beneath all the glamour and glitter of materialistic promise, Venus is actually about deep spirituality. 2 These terms represent a traditional method of evaluating the strength of planets in various zodiac signs. One thing we need to know here that we associate Venus with passion, but Venus is not about passion at all. The Kudali or Horoscope based on the date of birth is the most accurate way to predict ones personality traits and how their future would pan out. Debilitated Venus signifies the pleasure that dissipates, exhausts and debilitates, the self indulgence which can ultimately leads to our destruction. However, as Venus is weakened, these natives must monitor their criticism in order not to become overly critical. Thanks a ton! However, some influence of Virgo Venus remains, such as conditions in everything you do. Rahu: In Indian Astrology Rahu is a shadow planet which is evil, tamsik and unfortunate planet in nature. Sun & Venus Conjunction- Effect In Each House - Astrotalk If it is the owner of the good houses, it cannot produce the benefic results to their best. Hence, their way of entertaining others and expressing their emotions is also full of sensuality. My intention is to deliver this knowledge in the most original form possible, i.e free of blasphemy, with elaborated explanations which are supported by actual observations to help Vedic enthusiasts get rid of confusion and introduce the right guidance via The Last Word to get closer to God and attain inner bliss. Now if we consider Virgo, it shows calculating, analytical mind and perfectionist mentality. To mitigate the negative effects of this combination, they must refrain from emphasizing negatives too much which can demotivate themselves and others around them. When Venus is debilitated it means your soul cannot enjoy when you are isolated or alone or when in foreign places. Shukracharya was not only enlightened, but also possessed the rare knowledge of healing thorough Mrit Sanjeevani Mantra which literally means the mantra for bringing the dead alive. Venus is at 1st degree in virgo. If Mercury is dignified and/or cancels the enmity it gives them enough flexibility to accept certain facts in their partner that they cannot control. Venus is exalted in Pisces. Venus: 27th degree of Pisces. Cancellation of Debilitation and Neecha Bhanga Raja Yog in astrology Virgo is the 6th zodiac sign which denotes attention to detail. . The degree of exaltation is 15 degrees. Furthermore, Venus is the planet of beauty which indicates that these natives are able to mislead or distract other people with their immense beauty. There are various tactics to battle such feelings. Kundli is the basis of Vedic Astrology and acts as the astrological chart to calculate the future of an individual. It is a widely known fact that love and conditions are not a harmonious combination at all. Venus Transit in Virgo 2023 Date, Timings, Prediction & Effects References to The Last Word of God are included not to mix Sunnah Kitab with worldly science, but to offer the best cure for worldly issues. However, if Mercury is dignified and/or cancels the debilitation, it saves them from the tendency to manipulate surroundings with their amplified sensuality and rather use it to improve their relationship. Are there ways to improve and make easier for Venus in Virgo Also, l am curious about the Neecha Bhanga Yoga that forms Mercury and Venus. Venus and Mercury are friendly to each other. Why is Venus debilitated in Virgo even though it's in a friend - Quora According to the formula given in ancient scripture Phaladeepika, when the depositor of Virgo Venus and exaltation lord of Venus, which is Mercury, in this case, is in kendra or quadrant from Ascendant or Moon sign, then this fortunate Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga occurs. Venus in the sign of Mercury indicates that the person is going to have many love affairs. Find the right path & achieve success. I am assured that in order to become better versions of ourselves we must know the truth no matter how bitter it is. The sign position directly opposite a planet's sign of exaltation is considered to be its fall. Venus: Be ready to have all the luxuries, fun, party, love and romance with the exalted Venus in your chart. A thing to remember here is that these posts are strictly meant for the particular planet position. Mercury becomes the guiding planet to Venus in this sign. It is considered that a weakly affected Venus will work negatively every time, but it is not so. Technically, in traditional western astrology, Venus is not debilitated in Virgo but in its fall. However, these natives with debilitated Venus often fail to notice the greatness in small things that repels the success they truly desire. Mercury is in Leo and Saturn in Libra. Holy Prophet [PBUH] raised the status of and established legal rights for women which were never present before, and protected them from harrasment, and stressed duty and good treatment to mother. Speaking of worldly life, they have increased the ability to analyze or judge the faults of creations and artistic work (Venus) which can make them masters in sciences related to beauty in the long run. Please remember toSUBSCRIBEto my channel to get updates on my videos on Vedic Astrology. The unnecessary expenditure due to disputes causes hindrances in the path to financial stability. It is divided into 12 signs of 30 degrees each, starting from Aries to Pisces. Moreover, cancellation of debilitation indicates that the excessive attention to detail favors these natives and their relationships in general. Please comment & share the article with your friends using social media buttons below. Water can mix with earth and create mud while fire can dry up the waters . The 5th disposition signifies romance, progeny, intelligence, speculation, leadership capabilities, past life deeds, honor, and dignity. Exalted Planets in Astrology | Tarot.com The fall of Venus in this zodiac sign indicates becoming ungrateful regarding what they already have because their criticism regarding comforts heightens their expectations. . They share ideas and feelings very gently and romantically. On the other hand, if debilitation is canceled by strong Mercury, their attention to detail leads them to perfectionism which ensures that they will maintain a healthy and fully nurtured relationship with their partners. For instance, they have great talents for arts which gives them everything necessary to become ethically successful in life. It also indicates that the connection would be more on the physical level than the emotional one. If Mercury is dignified, it improves Venus tremendously. It depends on the rest of your chart, too! At other houses it may bring positive and negative results based on its lordship. The given system works in Vedic only and it is important to know the sidereal degree and sign. Jupiter has 3 special aspects, i.e. While the article focuses purely on the effects of fallen Venus, in the end, I tried to explain that there are different real-life scenarios and that the debilitation can be canceled. Sun: Home (Home Base) - Leo Detriment (Difficult Time) - Aquarius Exhaltation (Comfortable) - Aries Fall (Debilitated) - Libra Moon: Home (Home Base) - Cancer Detriment (Difficult I shall give only key features for each house, however, if you have debilitated Venus in the birth chart, do not judge your own horoscope just based on these placements of Venus, it is important to check the horoscope holistically to know the actual promise. During Mahadasha of Mercury for 7 years you will have high-end professional success and achievement. With that being said, they are conservative and do not require much spice and fancy glamour to keep the relationship in shape. Mercury: in domicile in Gemini, Virgo. Therefore it's strong so don't worry about it. People with this combination have to put in double effort to earn enough gains for luxurious comforts unless a strong Mercury, the planet of merchant helps them. (Riyad as-Salihin 1808). Astrology - Exaltaltions of the planets Also, my Sun is positioned in 2nd house of Virgo. Thank you. Venus is all about joy, comfort, happiness whereas Virgo is all about facing critical things, enemies and obstacle. What is more, the 5th disposition formed by Venus also signifies romance and matters of the heart. In fact, the lack of comforts and convenient life they have is caused by their own ungratefulness. In addition to that, the 12th disposition complements their creativity greatly as it endows them with the power of imagination to generate unique ideas. The sign of Virgo is associated with completely different values than beauty, love, comfort and money, so Venus is a true stranger there, just like a person who has . Or does it lessen the negative effects of Virgo? Undoubtedly a strong exalted Mercury as a guide of Venus improves the effects of this combination. Vedic says it's debilitated in Virgo. Virgo is also termed as a gentle sign which adds such traits to their way of expressing their emotions. But protect truth and believers at all costs. Debilitated Venus: Komilla SuttonDebilitated Planets Masterclass.Venus is debilitated in Virgo - the exact degree is 27 degrees. Mars is exalted in Capricorn. Accordingly, your Mercury is definitely in good dignity and helps to relieve many negative effects while promoting good outcomes. We all have some bad combination and if we know it we know how to avoid doing the same mistakes all over again. As a result, they have the possibility to spend a lot and satisfy all their luxurious desires. How Marriage Astrology Can Help New Parents Have a Strong Relationship? Other than that, such natives have to practice offering unconditional care and service to their family members, which helps them to negate the negative effect of this combination. When there is sufficient communication and information transfer, there is less confusion and conflicts. Another great way to mitigate the negatives of this combination is to direct criticism from people to materialistic matters, such as creations. Every one of us also has at least 1 strong combination which helps us to correct our mistakes if we concentrate on it. Here the loss and expenses reduce, but so does bed pleasures.5th set back in romance and speculative earning. With that being said, this combination either denies the lasting comforts from conveyances or makes obtaining their dream life difficult. But Venus must be truly debilitated at the required degree for that to happen. Virgo is owned by Mercury, and therefore Virgo is Venus friendly sign, then why does Venus get debilitated here? Debilitated Venus in 1st House of Horoscope - AstrologerPanditJi.com Question.. Is this Venus in Virgo condition Vedic, or Tropical as well? Whenever the situation or person does not serve their interests anymore, they become rather detached. This can be both positive and negative. Mercury is exalted in Virgo. It gives good results in the 2nd, 5th, 7th, 9th, and 11th houses from the natal Moon in transit. No one in this world is perfect and thus life partners should be accepted the way they are without assessing their pros and cons.