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A mysterious man walks around the corner, announcing that he is Kai's father. It's strongly indicated that Stefan was Lillian's favorite son and that between the two brothers, Stefan was the son she shared a closer bond and relationship with. They take Luke along with them so that he is able to perform an anti-locator spell which will hide them from the Travelers. Then Rebekah and Damon start looking for the cure themselves as Katherine doesn't say where it is. However, in the novels, Stefan has only claimed to have been in love twice in his 500 years of existence; first with Katherine and then with Elena. He would travel into town to buy tea and flowers, telling himself it was for her, but it was truly his way to avoid her. They talk about Valerie and Mary Louise. When they find Damon trapped in the house, Damon tries to scare him off but Stefan says that he is not afraid of him. Born Klaus shows up to get the stakes. Damon lunges at Lily and Beau explodes all the coffins. She tells him that there should be champagne for finally catching him. Stefan explains that this is his home and he's not going anywhere. He spins Damon's coffin around just in time as arrows hit the lid. Rebekah then moves onto finding out about the cure, and Stefan tells her where they can find Professor Shane. One night, Stefan went to a camp where the war-wounded lay, and discreetly fed on their blood. Damon is surprised and doesn't know how to react but he says that they could talk about that after they take the cure. Stefan's mother visited him in his sleep after her "death". After Johnathan had left, Stefan went inside to talk to his father one last time, who was shocked to see that Stefan was "alive." Stefan says that he's been alive for almost two centuries now and that with the amount of people he has seen die it must have been easier for him to accept death and to hurt less, but it doesn't. Hence why his father wanted him to get married to Rosalyn. Later, when Stefan regains consciousness, Damon attacks him and Stefan is unconscious again. It is a retelling of Stefan's history before and after he transformed from a wealthy, well adjusted youth to a vicious immortal. Because of this, Stefan had always been popular, admired and loved by the opposite sex or women since his human life. He holds Joshua against the wall before getting struck by his magic making them fall to the floor in pain. In one of the visions of Katherine is reveals to Damon that she met Stefan before than him, and for Stefan, she made the decision to stay in their home. Young Stefan witnessed as his father burned Damon's hand with a lit cigar as both a punishment for lying and stealing. Clearly trying to fight his blood-lust as Charlotte tosses the corpse over to him, his fingers bloody and veins appearing underneath his eyes. Klaus proceeds to tell Stefan that the brotherhood of the Five was a group of highly skilled vampire hunters and that Klaus and his siblings had crossed paths with them in the 12th century in Italy. This seems to effect Stefan. He tells her that when he is with her the blood thirst disappears and he feels better. Supernatural information Klaus reminds Stefan that he is too far away to be able to cure anyone should they become infected with the venom, and charges him with finding and catching Connor, keeping him alive in order to use his tattoo. She agrees to Klaus putting down Kol as she actually doesn't realize that their goal is to get rid of her. She promises to be careful, and they share a moment leaning forehead to forehead. Stefan thrusts a stake in his hand and demands that Jeremy kill the vampire, who protests but stakes the vampire after Stefan threatens he will let the vampire loose. Knowing the blood transfusion didn't work, Damon pulls out Colin's heart, much to his friends' dismay. Stefan ended their relationship in Season 4 when she revealed that she was in love with Damon. Stefan in the novels speaks fluent Italian but is also fluent in English. Stefan later kills Galen Vaughn when he is threatening Damon. She writes a note to her daughter Nadia. While Damon is gone, Stefan and Elena are captured by the Town Council and imprisoned in a cell, along with Rebekah. While searching for clues, Alaric finds pictures of Jo when she was younger, and in one of those pictures, Damon recognizes one of the people she was with as Kai. He tell Stefan that he has footage of Stefan as well. Stefan wakes up and tries to stop Damon from going after Lily so that they could find Valerie. He was often seen wearing t-shirts, shirts or sweaters of darker colors and in various styles (such as short-sleeved, round-necked and v-necked shirts). When she dies the final time, everyone with that mark will die too. Stefan takes Caroline back to her dorm as they continue to make out. Elena rushed towards the door and out and when Brady came out in pursuit, Stefan pulled his heart out, literally. The Original sister also wakes up and starts arguing with her brother. But he shouldn't get her wrong-he's standing there and he looks good and she remember their sex and it was good sex but she just doesn't feel anything about it anymore. He then embarked on a journey to Nova Scotia with Elena, Shane, Damon, Bonnie, Jeremy, and Rebekah to seek the the cure that can help break the sire bond. Nora starts to use magic but Caroline claps her hand over Nora's mouth, burning her. One for Tyler. In Catch Me If You Can, Rebekah comes to the Salvatore boarding house talking to Stefan while reading his diary and they decide to steal Silas' headstone, because the others are way ahead of them in search of the cure; Klaus has Jeremy (a hunter) and Shane has Bonnie. Lily tells him that Julian is nothing like Stefan's father. He's trying to explain that Bonnie is trying to complete the expression triangle and when he does Aja brings out a knife and says that Bonnie has to die and she can't be saved. Caroline rang Liam again to see why he was taking so long. Caroline interrupts them and tells him that Katherine promised to join her at the shredding station, Stefan is agrees, so she and Katherine leave him alone. They start talking and joking about Caroline, and her delusional positivity and Control-freakiness , Stefan says that her Control-freakiness never really bugged him, Stefan say that if Caroline Forbes were there right now, they would both be laughing. Stefan comforts her and tells her, "You have me. Later on, Stefan goes home to find Damon as he got Damon's text. They leave the room so that Connor can't listen to their conversation, and Stefan asks Klaus about the Five. Caroline wants to know since Valerie is out of the prison world, does that change anything for him? She says that she hasn't, and that it is not magical writing. After leaving New Orleans, Stefan moved to New York and while hunting a squirrel, he found the body of a young girl who was bleeding to death. Enzo tells to Stefan and Caroline that they will find another doppelgnger of Stefan and that he don't know the Traveler lore, he also says that the last remaining pair of doppelgngers are special. Klaus tells him that he is Elena's better option and says "Personally I think she is wasting her time with Damon." Alaric enters with breakfast s'mores, the best reason to incinerate something. After Klaus reveals that Alexander had claimed that the Five possessed a special weapon that could destroy all vampires. They figure that there must be a third team in the race for the cure. Downstairs, he and Damon argue about what to do next: Stefan wants to do everything they can to find a way out of Elena's transition, while Damon wants her to accept the inevitable, feed on human blood and not risk dying permanently. Later Stefan tells Damon to stop treating Andie Star like that. They find Bonnie and Abby knocked out and the coffin opened. Stefan was very close to his older brother Damon growing up. Klaus started using mind compulsion on Stefan in The Reckoning, to get Stefan to obey to his orders and kill two students, Dana and Chad. Elena gives into Stefan's high spirits and pops open the bottle, laughing gleefully as it overflows. He later discovered that this is due to the creation of a sire bond between Elena and Damon after Elena's transition to a vampire. Bonnie then begins coughing up blood and stumbles back into Stefan on the Other Side, forcing him through as well. Giuseppe Salvatore (1st time, as a human)Julian (1st time, as a vampire)Nora Hildegard (2nd time, as a vampire)Rayna Cruz (3rd time, as a vampire)Himself (2nd time, as a human) At first Stefan is shocked, but relieved when Elena sends him a text saying Damon is okay. After they have completely filled a pot each, their wounds begin to heal and they are released. During his human years in the 1860s, Stefan's sense of style was "Victorian" and old-fashioned. Gunshot Wound/Loss of Blood (as a human)Heart Extraction (as a vampire)Stabbed by The Phoenix Sword (2nd and 3rd time, as a vampire)Incinerated by Hellfire (2nd time, as a human) Damon sees an aquarium with no fishes and than understands that the water is vervained. She tries another tactic, compelling him to have a heart attack. Stefan tells her that he will always love her, Elena tells him the same, she leans on his shoulder and asking him if she may someday have that kind of conversation with Damon, Stefan tells her "I think you can either be friends with someone or in love with them. And he responds that this is not why he did it but because she fed on someone in public. Later, Caroline shows Stefan how lively the cancer patient is now. Damon walks in and tells him, "You did really well tonight." Stefan tells Damon that she is the best thing that has ever happened to him and Damon doesn't deny it and confesses that he can't live without her but he doesn't think he's any better than Katherine and Elena will be better off without him. Stefan asks Klaus if he could have some of his blood since Damon is in a werewolf predicament and while he talks, the wound starts to bleed through his shirt and Klaus rips it off. He . Human/DoppelgngerVampire (Niklaus' bloodline/Broken) (Cured/Formerly)Ghost (Formerly)Phoenix Stone Spirit (Formerly)Spirit (Currently) Enzo still insists that Stefan tells him what he believes is the truth, so he decides to threaten Bonnie, Stefan sees that Bonnie is in danger, so he admits that he was the one who killed Maggie. He said that if Lily gets the stone, he'll kill Julian himself. She is still suspicious, so he dangles the offer to talk Matt into giving her another chance, and finally Rebekah gives in. Damon warns that if Stefan carries on, they'll be no saving him, but Stefan says he doesn't need that - though Damon points out that Elena thinks differently. However, they reunite in modern day and things become complicated between them due to their history and Stefan's romantic relationship with Caroline. Stefan tries to back out of it, but Bonnie insists that he tell her what's wrong. Then, Stefan gets a call from Caroline, she tells him that the virus that have Damon and Elena isn't the same virus, Caroline says that Wes was working on the next phase of the virus that when Nadia was sick, he was experimenting on her blood and he figured out a way to extract werewolf venom from her blood and put it in the virus. Finally, she sees Stefan standing in front of her, they escape. He introduces her to the Salvatore family tradition of a chocolate shake which is really a ploy to call her out about lying about her relation to the family. Stefan the goes out to Elena while Damon traps Katherine in the tomb. Back at Willoughby Elena and Elijah talk but Katherine appears and snaps her neck. She is a witch from the Salvatore bloodline and a vampire, she gets her vampire side from both of her parents. Stefan then rushes into the house when the out of control Jeremy attempts to stake Elena and pulls the stake from her neck. Caroline tilted her head as she looked at the body, thinking. Damon then tells him that Lily plans to have them fractured and they make a plan about having a fake fight, while Stefan distracts her and Damon can look for the last member of the Heretics. Stefan was furious that Katherine would do this to her, and was in agreement with Damon that Caroline should die (because of what happened to Vicki Donovan). Stefanie Salvatore is the heretic daughter of Damon Salvatore and Elena Gilbert, as well the younger twin sister of Stefan Salvatore. Elena confesses that while she loves Stefan for helping her through her transition, she can't deny her relationship with Damon has intensified since she became a vampire. However, shortly after Stefan's breakup with Valerie, Stefan goes to Alaric and Caroline's home and sees that she is happy raising children with Alaric. Damon has to go and leaves Elena and Stefan alone, and they talk about their family tragedies. Stefan sits on the end of the bench, beside his brother, Damon and his other friends. It was there that Stefan saw Damon for the first time in almost fifty years. Caroline is sitting by herself and she seems optimistic until Stefan tells her they need to talk. The first immortal follows him in the woods and has a heartbreaking confession with Amara until Stefan catches him from behind. Later, Stefan and Damon arrive in New Orleans and Stefan says he hasn't been back since 1942. Because of this, Stefan often feels immense guilt and remorse if he hurts, harms or kills a human. His life flowing out like a crimson waterfall. Stefan showed great strength when he fought the compulsion and told Elena to run. Stefan and Rebekah arrive at Klaus' mansion and she sees Connor chained up. Although she was also seeing Damon, she had a clear preference for Stefan. He then arrives at an unknown destination and puts a bandage on his chest where the mark of the sword is currently bleeding. The status quo is null and void until the body count is high, and not made of me, Elena, or my brother - and you two, I . Everyone takes their seats and the wedding begins. He later asked Elena to pass on a message to Caroline to tell her he heard her and would love her forever too before he went into the afterlife. They kiss and Stefan hints that he is a virgin as they undress. Stefan Salvatore is the main male protagonist in The Vampire Diaries. When Stefan enters to his room meets with Qetsiyah, who is angry for his betrayal and to revenge on him, she puts all his painful memories, Stefan is dismayed after that.