Abandoned Places Sheffield, Getting Stuck In The Negatives Ted Talk, Articles S

Loretta is deemed unfit to stand trial, and Tina, Erick and Katey are all serving life without parole, with Katey also getting an additional 70 years for conspiracy and forgery. She is eligible for parole when she is 120 years old. Her insanity pleas fail, and she is sentenced to thirty-two years in prison. Tennessee couple Ron, 37, and Gaile Owens, 32, seem like a model couple, but their 13-year marriage collapses over financial strains, Gaile's short prison term for embezzlement, and Ron's extramarital affair with a coworker. She has mental illness and believes that Thierry is sexually abusing the children, so she shoots him to death in front of the kids. Though she is offered a deal to avoid a life sentence with a guilty plea, she unwisely makes one final gamble and takes her chances with a jury. Lyda Trueblood is an early 20th century woman with a penchant for poison. She confesses to poisoning Laura, Haville, and Haville's first wife, Molly, with arsenic, and is sentenced to life for Laura's murder, but is released after 25 years. She later begins an affair with Mary's close friend Phoebe, then gets hitched when she gets pregnant. She is sentenced to fifty years to life. Both women are serving life without parole. Holly was forced to move in with her conservative Baptist grandparents, Carl and Sarah Collier, who . She begins an affair with lawyer Arthwell Hayton in the belief that she will climb the social ladder, but Arthwell dumps her. Danielle Black goes from good girl to Goth teen and begins having sex and cutting herself, much to the horror of her father, Billy, and spreads lies that her father is abusing her. When Tom begins an affair with a servant girl, Katie has had enough and shoots Tom in the head while he sleeps. French immigrant Valerie Pape was a hair salon owner and a Scottsdale, Arizona socialite with an abusive husband, Ira Pomerantz. As the mastermind, Brittney gets a minimum of twenty-one years. Teenage Killers: Holly Harvey and Sandy Ketchum - Southern Fried True Andrea Claire was a 39-year-old former aspiring actress and a call girl. Holly Harvey and Sandra Ketchum are charged -- as adults -- with armed robbery, plus two counts of felony murder and two counts of malice murder for the deaths of Carl and Sarah Collier. In early June of 1997, Kathy shoots Chris to death during an argument, and she calls Raymond to help clean up the mess. After their breakup, Linda goes on a months-long campaign of harassment and stalking when he meets his new girlfriend. Tommy is sentenced to forty years, Dawn to thirty-five years, and Sandra to life in prison without parole. Sims is not eligible for parole, but despite this, parole was granted in October 2021.[2]. Simona Zafirovska is a college student who has a close relationship with her mother, Radica, who is a Macedonian immigrant, but their relationship is strained due to Simona desiring a man in Macedonia who is in his late 30's. The criminal couple soon wears out their welcome, but in March 2004, when Vernon orders them to leave, they brutally attack him and Linda, torturing them both and sexually assaulting Linda, in order to get into Vernon's safe. Being fed up him having yet not divorced his wife, she shot his wife nine times. She is suspected of killing her second husband. Their victim of choice: a trusting old lady, eighty-five-year-old Anne Brackett, with whom they spent hours chatting about her family before stabbing her. Frances Creighton resorts to poisoning her relatives with arsenic when they no longer become of use to her. Shirley's daughter Norma exposes her mother as a murderer who poisoned Lloyd with antifreeze for Lloyd's life insurance money. She starts stalking him and his wife Wendy, even building a shrine for him, but after learning for certain that Rick is no longer willing to tolerate her stalking, Cheryl snaps and kills Rick by shooting him, even keeping the bullet casing as a final souvenir. Michael Bargo Florida Death Row. After her lies are exposed, she assaults Will again, which earns her a battery charge against her. Coo and Clift's motive for murder was simply to collect the life insurance that had been purchased on Wright. Blanche Taylor Moore used arsenic to repeatedly poison her boyfriend, Raymond Reid. After the death of her husband Paul, who controls the rivalry between them, the two women go from verbal to physical altercations. Lola Luna Guilty Of Syanna Puryear-Tucker Murder. When Texan "Big" Joe Sturdivant retires from his transmission repair business for health reasons, his wife Joyce Sturdivant, 62, takes over the company. This turns out to be a tragic mistake, as on the fateful night of March 13, 2010, Lan stabs Monica ninety-one times in an argument over a simple phone charger. She is sentenced to thirty years in prison. Julia is sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole after twenty-five years. One of them, named Mitch Kemp, with whom she has a daughter with, is no exception, as she cheats on him with Greg Morton, and later marries him while still married to Mitch, thus committing bigamy. She is sentenced to death, but her sentence is later commuted to life in prison, much to the chagrin of Bevel's fellow officers. On April 6th, 1996, Rita and her cousin Vladimir Zelenin hack him to death with an axe before dismembering his body. She soon discovered that her efforts were for naught, as her husband had changed his will and completely disinherited her. Chuck pleads guilty and is sentenced to twenty-five years, while Martha receives fifty years and is eligible for parole in 2028. Holly had no intention of going to church as her grandparents had hoped or conforming to the . On November 11, 2013, the couple entrap and murder Troy LaFerrara by stabbing him twenty times. She later becomes known as the Merry Widow of Windy Nook, and her death sentence is overturned, commuted to life in prison without parole instead. Kerry Lyn Dalton discovered that, while she was in jail, her flatmate, Irene May, had sold some of her belongings to pay for crystal meth, which both women took. The solution to the problem was to annihilate the source of the pain by stabbing Kirsten to death. Pleading guilty to voluntary manslaughter, Vickie serves a nine-year sentence and is released in 2005, but prison has not tamed her wild temper. Edythe shoots Louise, keeps Louise's corpse in her car while she teaches a sewing class, then tries to burn the body. Showing no remorse, Nakisha is sentenced to seventy years in prison, eligible for parole in 2038. She is sentenced to twenty-seven years to life. After stealing a $4,000 check from Wilma, Shirley shoots and then dismembers her to cover up the theft, and she is later suspected of killing her own mother in the same way. The embezzled money has never been recovered. On Thursday, April 14, 2005, Holly Harvey pleaded guilty to two counts. At autopsy, it was discovered that the case eerily echoed Margaret's injuries. She dies at the age of 100. When her father threatens to cut her off, Nicole enlists her boyfriend, Jeremiah Wetmore, and his friend, Michael Heath, to murder Robert and Aletha in January 1994. Nicole Kasinskas The straight-A student from Nashua, New Hampshire, fell for a guy who soon drove a wedge between her and her mother, who until that point was the most important person in her life. Thirty-six-year-old Patricia Tito of Shreveport, Louisiana, has a way of luring in men and using them for money, but all of them, including her latest lover, Chris Shuffin, have discovered Patricia's ways and refuse to take her back. Celeste Beard In Austin, Texas, Beard conspired to murder her husband, a retired television executive and self-made multi-millionaire, in order to get his $50,000,000 fortune, with her lover Tracey Tarlton, whom she manipulated to shoot her husband. Fearing her lover's reaction on his release, she pays a hit man 10,000 to take care of Cook, but ends up firing the fatal shot herself. Obsessed with getting revenge on Fred for leaving her, she travels from Houston, Texas, to Virginia, and shoots Fred to death on October 28, 2004. In Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, Sonia Weidenfelder starts a romantic affair with Rick Spaulding, who is in a legal battle with his ex, Debra "Debbie" Morgan, because of Rick refusing to pay child support. She gets away with the crime until she is imprisoned for stabbing another girl two years later, and she confesses to Katie's murder. She pled guilty to second-degree murder and got sixteen years to life. Her mistreatment of the elderly doesn't stop and three patients are constantly at the center of her abuse, Marie Darragh, 82, Isabella Spencer, 77, and another woman. Billy Joe died before trial and Virginia received a life sentence, dying in prison in June 2011. Angelina finally kills Frank in 2000, by poisoning him with antifreeze. Not about to be separated from James, Wendy has him strangle Betty on December 28, 1994, and the two killers hold Kathy hostage for three days, until she is able to escape on New Year's Eve and get aid from a neighbor. Later, Stella reveals the murder in a confession, and when Sister Janina's body is found 10 years later, it is revealed that the nun was pregnant, confirming Stella's suspicions. In 1919, Stella is given a life sentence, before being released in 1927. They have a good relationship at first, but Randy drinks heavily to deal with a tragic past (his young infant died of SIDS) and becomes romantically involved with Julia's daughter, Jackie Uzell, after she is released from prison. During her trial, Esti gives birth to a son she had with a man she dated after killing Manfred, but her dreams are forever shattered when, due to her crimes, her son is permanently taken out of her hands to be raised by her parents instead, leaving Esti to plead guilty to the two murders and be sentenced to life in a maximum security psychiatric prison. Seething with hatred, she hires friends Marva Golden and Eddie Williams to shoot Valerie to death. Ruth researches a life insurance policy and she and Judd plot Albert's murder. During the Great Depression, widow Marie Porter's candy store is in danger of failing and she asks her brother, William Kappen, for a loan, but he refuses. Row was sentenced to death. The police investigate the crime for years, tailing Jennifer and Matthew around the clock, until they finally crack the case and arrest them. Patricia Wells is working as a nurse in a retirement home when she meets William Jennings, and despite their age cap, they marry. In May 2016, Lyndsey dies from the abuse, and Becky is sentenced to life with a minimum of 20 years for Lyndsey's death and beating a former girlfriend. She dismembers his corpse, then burns and disposes of his remains. After a night of drinking, Ana bludgeons and stabs Stefan 25 times with the heel of her shoe, and is serving 30 years to life, and will be eligible for parole at the age of 75. However, on August 9, 1849, when the agreement isn't enough for her, Maria and Frederick shoot and bludgeon Patrick for all of his stock and bonds. While 73-year-old Sarah was a homemaker, 74-year-old David worked most of his life for Delta airlines and later switched to painting houses. When Stephanie Ilene Lazarus's former "friend-with-benefits," John Ruetten, marries nurse Sherri Rasmussen, a jealous Stephanie abuses her power as a police detective to stalk, harass, and finally murder Sherri. Aileen Carol Wuornos Wournos, a prostitute, shot and killed seven men in Florida between 1989 and 1990 to rob them. Lisa Michelle became obsessed with stalking young Laurie and ended her life by setting a trap to lure Laurie's mother out of the house and then cutting Laurie multiple times in her own bedroom in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. to three life terms for murder and armed robbery, to be served concurrently. By claiming Wayne is abusing her, she convinces a neighbor to murder her husband and disguise it as a car theft. Knorr is currently serving two life sentences, while Terry Knorr eventually died in December 2011. She decides to extort a neighbor family out of $1,000 after attacking their young daughter with a hammer. Marie is sentenced to twenty years to life and has been denied parole six times since her incarceration. Join Facebook to connect with Sandy Ketchum and others you may know. When Detroit, Michigan, high-school students Larketa Collier and Sharon Patterson fall in love, Larketa's conservative mother, Sandra, and grandmother, Bertha Atkins, become furious, and eventually decide to bar Sharon from the house when she disrespects them too many times.