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You wont be able to apply to theOctober 2022 round. (NIHR-PDF-2010-03-010) and the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration Oxford and Thames . The remaining time must only be allocated to the research or research-related training proposed in the application. You must provide a clear and full justification for all costs including NHS/social care costs. The NIHR expects appropriate and relevant involvement of patients/service users, carers and the public and other key stakeholders in the research it supports. The justification box should detail the conferences the costs will cover. If an applicants PhD costs exceed 4,596 (per annum on a full time basis), it is expected that the applicants host institution will cover any excess costs associated with the PhD fees. Fellowships: biology, medicine, health | University of Manchester Applicants must have been awarded their PhD or MD by the time they attend interview. For more experienced post-doctoral applicants; evidence of independence or starting to establish independence as a researcher, including establishing collaborations and building research capacity. Found in: Talent UK - 30 minutes ago. They include clinicians, practitioners and researchers who do not have specialist knowledge of your field as well as members of the public. Unsuccessful applicants will only be able apply to the same fellowship on one further occasion. Equipment must exclude VAT, but if your organisation is unable to reclaim/recover the VAT on a piece of equipment, you should check the box VAT cannot be reclaimed. section. Doctoral applicants and early career Advanced applicants can propose to undertake a systematic review as part of the fellowship, provided it is well justified. For Advanced Fellowship applicants who are active clinicians/practitioners, it is possible to request up to 40% of time be dedicated to clinical/professional service/development, which will be covered by the Fellowship. These Advanced Fellowships in Knowledge Mobilisation will be available for a maximum of 24 months full time (part time options between 50% and 100% available). Please note that because NIHR Fellowships and other research training awards are personal awards and not project or programme grants we cant fund whole or significant portions of posts other than that of the applicant themselves and their support staff member (where applicable). Likely impact of the research to patients/service users, carers, the public and health and/or care services. Further information can be found detailed on theExcess Treatment Costs webpage. PROSPERO registration is a condition ofNIHRfunding for eligible systematic reviews. These are costs of an institutions research resources which can be charged to the research on the basis of estimated use, rather than actual costs. all participants have agreed to be part of your application. Applicants should no longer include open access costs as part of their application. This should complement your research timetable upload (see 10. The SPCR Post-Doctoral Fellowships are fixed amounts and do not require costings as part of the application. Explain what collaborations you intend to establish to support your research and, if applicable, your training and development programme. PhD fees and research costs. You will have 2 opportunities to apply for a 2nd Advanced Fellowship even if you werent successful the first time with your 1st Advanced Fellowship. As part of their funding applications, researchers are required to complete this tool, known as a Schedule of Events Cost Attribution Tool (SoECAT) for clinical research. Have completed any relevant pre-registration training (for clinical academic applicants), Have completed a first degree (for non-clinical applicants). Doctoral Fellowship applicants can request up to 20% be allocated and Advanced Fellowship applicants can request up to 40% be allocated. Lem Ngongalah - Faculty of Medical Sciences - Newcastle University For this reason, choosing who will provide research support will require a great deal of thought. Assistance is primarily focused around refinement of research questions, research design and methodological support. patient/service user, carer and public involvement. Applications for Global Health research are out of remit forNIHRFellowships. have a proposed host who is an English Higher . Applicants are asked to keep the interview dates available to attend an interview in Leeds. Should you wish to apply for this visa, you should select the Fast Track consideration option on the Home Office endorsement application form and use your award letter as evidence of your Advanced Fellowship. The applicant intends to register for and complete a PhD. If hosted by another institution a direct collaboration with and benefit to Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust must be demonstrated in order to be eligible to apply for a Partnership Fellowship. Funding is available from April 2023. For help with estimatingPPIcosts please see the. If your application for funding is successful, the summary will be used on the NIHR and other websites. A. or social workers, are able to request up to 40% of their time be dedicated to clinical service/development/practice, which will be covered by the Fellowship. and asks applicants to provide Equality and Diversity Monitoring Information (age, sex, ethnicity and race, and disability). A. NIHR Research (@NIHRresearch) / Twitter Therefore as part of this round we are encouraging applicants to think about how they can involve an industry partner in their application where relevant. Please note HEI indirect costs cannot be claimed on shared staff costs. This should cover both the training you may need to undertake the research being proposed but also training designed to support your development as a future health\social care research leader. Please note that this section also includes Shared Staff Costs which is located under directly allocated costs in some other funders applications. Doctoral applicants and early career Advanced applicants can propose to undertake a systematic review as part of the fellowship, provided it is well justified. In line with thegovernments transparency agenda, any contract resulting from this tender may be published in its entirety to the general public. Fellowship Schemes. NIHR SPHR fellowships in public health research Yes. If applicants are successful in being awarded anNIHRFellowship while simultaneously being involved in anotherNIHRresearch training award competition, they will be asked to decide which programme they would like to continue with and will be withdrawn from the other. All queries about the application process should be directed to the NIHR. Where applicable, you will need to include the travel and subsistence costs of your Project Advisory Group, Steering Committee and/or Data Monitoring & Ethics Committee. Any organisation wishing to host anNIHRFellowship must be able to provide the applicant with a contract of employment for the duration of the award and be capable of fulfilling the role of research sponsor as set out in the. Clinical applicants from Northern Ireland looking to make an application should discuss further with the Northern Ireland Office if they are looking to undertake any clinical service during the time of the Fellowship. It will normally only be possible to apply to the same Fellowship a maximum of two times. If undertaking part-time this should be reduced accordingly up to a maximum of 20%. : The individual(s) providing Research Support (mentorship) must confirm that they have read the application and the guidance notes and are willing to act as your mentor for research and career development and agree to abide by the conditions under which an award may be granted. Commercial/Other Partner Organisations should calculate them, using their own cost rates. The signatory will be required to agree to the role being asked of them in the application before the application is submitted by the applicant, and then approve the final version of the application after it has been submitted via the online system, i.e., the signatory must have agreed to participate and complete their sections before the applicant is able to press the submit button and send the application for signatory approval. In order to address this, one of the uses of the NIHR Advanced Fellowship is to enable awardees to undertake innovative knowledge mobilisation (that is, to support the more effective use of research knowledge) whilst simultaneously researching implementation processes and impacts. Applicants will be able to state the WTE they would like to undertake the award at provided it is no less than 50% WTE. The Advanced Fellowship will include the option for clinical/practice applicants to include between up to 40% clinical/practice time that will be covered by the Fellowship. Sign In to Employer Centre. All other activities must be undertaken outside the percentage time declared as the basis of the Fellowship. It is important that you consider these costs and discuss them with the NHS bodies or providers of NHS services involved in order to avoid any delay in commencing the research. Participants must confirm their participation on your application before you will be able to press the submit button. Please itemise and describe the requirements fully (e.g., postage, stationery, photocopying). The Publication Record section of the form is automatically populated from publications added into the My Research Outputs page of your ARAMIS account. The individual named as your primary supervisor for your PhD must agree to participate in the application and confirm they will act as your Primary Academic Supervisor, support your career development and abide by the conditions under which an award may be granted. UK Biobankis a major national health resource, and a registered charity in its own right, with the aim of improving the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of serious and life-threatening illnesses including cancer, heart diseases, stroke, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, eye disorders, depression and forms of dementia. Select the appropriate research type. NIHR Doctoral Fellowship Round 4 Public Minutes | NIHR Gail Distefano is a Medical Physicist specialising in Radiotherapy Physics at the Royal Surrey Hospital. The selection process and subsequent management of the Fellowships will be managed by theNIHRAcademy (with the exception of devolved nation candidates, who will be managed by their local devolved nations office). This includes guidance on how to go about approaching a suitableCTUto support your application. Failing to validate your answers may result in you being unable to submit your application by the required deadline. However, the more information you provide, the more effective our monitoring will be. The Head of Department from the host organisation (in which this award will be based) must confirm that they support this application and that, if funded, the research and training will be supported and administered in the named organisation and that the applicant for whom they are responsible will undertake this work. This fellowship may also be taken up on a part-time basis of between 50% and 100% whole time equivalent (WTE). Please set out the measurements of success you intend to use and also the key risks to delivering this research and what contingencies you will put in place to deal with them. Proposals from other types of institutions/organisations should leave this section blank. To underpin the new arrangements, a cost attribution tool has been created by the Health Research Authority (HRA) in partnership with charity funders and research sponsors. PDF Preparing for yopur fellowship interview - Imperial College London Further information for those applying for a Knowledge Mobilisation Advanced Fellowship can be found in Annex E. The NIHR is partnering with a number of industry and charitable organisations to offer jointly funded NIHR Partnership Fellowships. Our Pre-doctoral Fellowship Programme, provides research training awards for health and social care professionals (excluding doctors and dentists) working in Greater Manchester who wish to develop their career by combining health and social care practice and development with applied research and research leadership. My experience of using the Research Design Service to Support my - NIHR Suitability and experience of supervisory team. Research Fellow Allergy, Immunity and Respiratory The RDS also assists prospective applicants to understand the scope of theNIHRsvarious funding streams and to develop patient and public involvement (PPI) strategies. These provide full details of the DF scheme, including the eligibility requirements, the funding available, the required employment arrangements and the assessment criteria used by the DF Selection Committee when reviewing applications. This includes an annual NIHR Academy conference and Doctoral Training Camp. If you are applying for a Doctoral Fellowship under the topic ofMLTC-M, please indicate this in the Detailed Research Plan. Proposals will most likely involve close collaboration with NIHR-funded research team(s), either building on the work of a single project or linking a number of related projects to support knowledge mobilisation within a particular field. The information entered in this section should provide an analysis of the total funds requested to undertake the research proposed and should be based on current prices. Preparing your presentation . You need to give yourself about 6 months. Applicants should have a strong academic record and wish to develop a career in primary care research. Individuals previously granted an NIHR Knowledge Mobilisation Fellowship or an NIHR Knowledge Mobilisation Research Fellowship are ineligible for funding through this scheme. . Please note, this Fellowship is not open to clinical applicants looking to undertake training in research methods. PROSPERO was developed by theNIHRsCentre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD), and is the first online facility to register systematic reviews for research about health and social care from all around the world. Please indicate clearly any co-applicants and provide brief details of the nature and full extent of your involvement (e.g., project design, project management, day to day running, data collection, data analysis, writing papers for publication, etc.). Normally after a period of 3 years has passed you will be able to apply again for the same Fellowship, if you have previously had 2 unsuccessful applications. Please note: Applicants will normally be hosted by either the Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust or its main HEI partner (University College London). Dissemination, Outputs and anticipated ImpactThe purpose of this section is for the applicant to describe what the outputs of the research might be, how these will be disseminated and what impact there might be. Staff costs should be detailed under the other direct costs section. NOTE:NIHRis interested in taking advantage of the growing utility of routine data (such as HES, GP records etc. Those already holding a relevant masters degree (or currently completing one) should use the Fellowship to gain additional support and training to advance to the next level of their career. For Round 9 of the Fellowships Programme, the NIHR will be partnering with the following charities: The application process for these fellowships is the same as for our standard Fellowships and successful applicants will become members of the NIHR in the same way as successful applicants to our standard fellowships.