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What kind of flavor and preserving qualities do I bring to my circle of influence? Maybe this question will lead you to pray for God to show you ways to help others and make some resolutions about things that youd like to change. And so we should react with overwhelming wonder, admiration, respect, or dread, this latter emotion relevant especially to those who read but fail to heed God's Word (application). Ask the Lord to show you your interest, in every truth, and; do not be satisfied until you have an assured personal interest therein. 0000002043 00000 n And with all who will trust and obey. The Inductive Method of Bible Study: Know The Basics But if this conforming of their own souls unto the power of the Word be not fixed in the first place in their minds they do not strive lawfully, nor will they be crowned (!). (MacArthur, J.: The MacArthur Study Bible Nashville: Word or Logos). This guide presents three basic steps of Inductive bible studies, Observation, Interpretation and Application. His Word from day to day, Sow a thought, reap an action. If you do not this, you are reading to your own condemnation. Ask yourself all of the important questions above, and answer them as honestly as you are able. Or well walk by His side in the way. Sometimes its beneficial to ignore them and consider other ways you might divide the text. To profess great love for Gods word or even to pose as a Bible student is a form of self-deception unless our increasing knowledge of the word is producing increasing likeness to the Lord Jesus. It is full of instances of prayer; it supplies us with those thoughts about God which stimulate our faith to approach Him expectantly, earnestly, confidently. When youre studying a book, youre going to end up reading it multiple times. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? 2 Chronicles To pick up the thread of Pauls argument, you need to go back and catch up. Identify chapter themes What does this passage teach that is still as true today as it was when it was written? A person may study some branch of sciencesay electricityfor the enjoyment the knowledge gives him, without the least intention of applying it practically. All four of the Gospels begin differently, but they all come together at the baptism. The Power of Accurate Observation In Bible Study Inductive Bible Study: Observation, Interpretation, and Application through the Lenses of History, Literature, and Theology (9781433684142) by Richard Alan Fuhr Jr., Andreas J. Kostenberger For some of you there is very little in the Word of God except threatening. Once you think youve done all you can here, its time to move on to the final phase: application. Sometimes the application will simply be deeper faith and firmer belief. God's Word is the flawless discerner, perfectly analyzing our every motive, intention, and belief. The questions that might come out of your observations about Mark might include: Why does Mark not include the Christmas story in the beginning? Youve observed the details in the text and drawn interpretive conclusions about what the author was saying to his original readers. These might include Bible dictionaries, atlases, concordances and handbooks. J@GD0Q0rqD@!QTTXF1ID>IgIyy;GABp_8;.7_0?\h*4z/Bzc`S!zJP2[VgVM52,6.*0.199QP1T`}G/I(tSE)BQF*jE()*RMq>&}P* Internship opportunities with Cru's ministries. However, interpretation can also involve separate actions or steps beyond merely observing the immediate text. Too often, people jump into the Bible and start connecting before theyve done the challenging work of examining all there is to see. If there is a promise to be embraced, we claim it. 0000060059 00000 n 8. Interpretation, Illumination and Application | Bible study - Assignment - Bible Study observation, interpretation 2023 BGEA Is it because of ignorance, rebellion or indifference? Daniel Mark key words and phrases (see figure on page five) A key word is one that is essential to the text. Avoid the temptation to try to make the text mean anything just yet. Bible study is intentionally digging into a passage of Scripture and using various interpretive techniques to understand what the author is saying. And so prayer is not a substitute for action, but the deliberate contact of the soul with God, whence we draw an enabling force whereby we go forth conquering and to conquer. Its apowerful toolfor those who want to learn how to study Scripture well. 1 Corinthians Inaccurate Interpretation, Robert Frost in his poem "Road Not Taken" writes in his last stanza. It can provide details and facts that you do not yet have the capacity or training to pick up on your own. Are we truly born of God and spiritually alive or are we deceiving ourselves and spiritually dead, no matter how orthodox our profession of faith might appear? So before we can apply the truth as God intended, we need to be certain that our interpretation is accurate, which in turn hinges on careful observation. But His smile quickly drives it away; These divisions are tools that help us read Scripture; theyre not an actual part of it. Learn to develop your skills, desire and ability to join others on their spiritual journeys and take them closer to Jesus. Try challenging yourself to come up with 10 observations about a passage, and once youve hit that number, push yourself to come up with five more. You too can try and prove God's wonder-working precious and magnificent promises that provide everything needed for life and godliness -- but only if you seek to apply them to your life. And for this purpose also I labor, striving according to His power, which mightily works within me. MacArthur, J.: The MacArthur Study Bible Nashville: Word, MacDonald, W & Farstad, A. Believer's Bible Commentary: Thomas Nelson, Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth by Spurgeon. The ideal combination is to read the word and then heed it expeditiously and implicitly. (Josh 1:8-note). This seems to be the kickoff point of Jesus ministry. How to Study Your Bible, Part 2 | Articles | Revive Our Hearts 0000001930 00000 n 0 The difference between studying and applying the Scriptures is somewhat like the difference between drifting in a boat and rowing toward a destination. The growing numbers of sermon-sippers and seminar-sitters who flit from one doctrinal dessert to another like so many busy, buzzing hummingbirds are most assuredly deceiving themselves unless they are also choosing to assimilate (heed) the truth ("honey" Ps 119:103-note) which they have tasted (cp Jas 1:22, 23, 24+, Jas 1:25+). Because ethnicity is part of the good of creation, we seek to honor and celebrate the ethnic identity of those with whom we serve as well as those we seek to reach. If you read, He that believeth on him is not condemned, if you believe not then you are condemned already, because you have not believed in the Son of God. Jonah As the devotional writer Matthew Henry prayerfully put it"O that we may love our Bibles more, and keep closer to them than ever! )R z9=_)\_`w0s3^xT{bhi ?%\hMKINZ>0!L ik0%kjDb V >{f NGaE"VU{Z}M-9Eik$oflK pA!~~?\sDNSUke When words or passages make an impression on you, stop and meditate on what God has shown you or as the great preacher C H Spurgeon advised Read the Bible carefully, How do I propose to carry out these changes? Different Approaches to Interpretation 1. Are the "thoughts and intentions of our heart" spiritual thoughts and intentions or only natural thoughts and intentions? Inductive Bible Study: Observation, Interpretation, and Application Have some fun taking various quizzes and assessments to learn about yourself and others. Your goal in observation is to notice as much as possible. To an active mind knowledge gives pleasure. The more time and intentionality you put into understanding Gods Word, the more treasures you discover. the good hand of his God was upon him (which should prompt a "Why?" As you make it your practice to study God's Word, you will experience the joy of having Him directly unveil His truth and reveal His purpose in your life. The inductive method is an investigative way of studying Scripture that can be used by both new and seasoned students alike. If there is a promise to be embraced, we claim it. 1. The OIA Bible study method consists of three parts. Therefore, it is vital that you develop observation skills which might, at first, seem difficult, laborious, and time-consuming. In other words, every time you observe and interpret but fail to apply, you perform an abortion on the Scriptures in terms of their purpose. In Observation and Interpretation we study God's Word, but in Application, God's Word "studies" us! A sorry, sorry heart is that which so uses Gods Word as to make it an aggravation of its sin. Lay hold on the Bible until the Bible lays hold on you. In short, as John MacArthur says "Bible study is not complete until we ask ourselves, What does this mean for my life and how can I practically apply it?, We must take the knowledge we have gained from our reading and interpretation and draw out the practical principles that apply to our personal lives. How is our desire for, time with, and practice of God's living Word growing? Let it not only inform you but inflame you. It went in empty every time and came out full (A. Naismith, 1200 Notes, Quotes and Anecdotes [Chicago: Moody, 1962], p. How does he save or provide a way when people are unable? Inductive Bible Study Method: How to Guide Inductive Bible Study Observation Interpretation And Application Through The Lenses Of History Literature And Theology is additionally useful. The story is told of several pastors who were arguing over which Bible translation was the best. Verse by Verse Ministry As we search the Scriptures, we must allow them to search us, to sit in judgement upon our character and conduct. my heart stands in awe of Thy words. It consists primarily in picturing up the actual state of things brought before us in our reading, whether it be an incident, a prayer, an exhortation, a proverb, a prophecy. What guidance does it offer me in my social intercourse? Don't be deceived -- Every time we hear the Word of God, we are either a little closer to heaven or a little further away. When we have read the Bible, many passages may become "overfamiliar." We think that we know what they say and cease . Bible study is meant not merely to inform but to transform and renew our mind. In most respects they might have been written in our own life-time. If there is a warning to be followed, we heed it. To go on gaining an intellectual knowledge of the Bible without obeying it can be a trap instead of a blessing. August 5, 2009. trailer The botanist would lean over a certain flower and he would look for a long time and then he would write notes in his notebook. Find resources for personal or group Bible study. What a terrible delusion to be content with, to delight in hearing the word, and yet not do it. acquire the Inductive Bible Study Observation Interpretation And Application Through The Lenses Of History Literature And Theology join that we . Otherwise, its easy to become dependent on them. Bible Study: Traditional Method (Observation, Interpretation Lamentations 2 Peter This video series demonstrates how to perform inductive Bible study using the Logos Bible app thats free for web, mobile, or desktop. Pastor Houghton assiduously applied what he preached. Inductive Bible study is a practical, relevant, and time-tested approach to interpreting Scripture. Will Graham Devotion: How Do You Know Whats True? ", Oswald Chambers in his typical "no nonsense" style reminds us that"One step forward in obedience is worth years of study about it", We have to be careful not to deceive ourselves. H. P. Barker has a graphic illustration emphasizing the importance of both knowing and doing the Bibles truths As I looked out into the garden one day, I saw three things. Your job at this stage is to discover what the author is trying to communicate. Good Bible study does not happen by accident. We dont study the Bible just to gain knowledge. 1ICR, If you feel the wrath to come now, you may never have to feel it in the next world. A Silly yet Serious The inductive study process involves three steps: observation, interpretation and application. Acronym to Aid Application. The first step in studying a passage is to observe what it actually says. There is something incredibly rewarding about mining those nuggets of truth for yourself. A single revealed fact cherished in the heart and acted upon is more vital to our growth than a head filled with lofty ideas about God. Theres an inherent danger in inductive Bible study -- it can degenerate into a process thats intellectually fascinating but spiritually frustrating. Bringing hope and resources to military families worldwide. Goldsmiths keep bottles of acid by which they test everything that is offered them for sale, whether it is gold or merely tinsel, and the Christian should keep Gods word near at hand and treasured in the soul, to test thereby all that he hears. And this is eternal life, that they may know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent. Thus, we are called and encouraged to new labour in prayer, whilst we have a new example in Him Who prayed, and wept, and bled. and +t8HL~Y,/0B_<7)K]JOSTx*=JOlgTx*=kp]un?VHk?Z,u-tglS The real question is do I always want to hear God's voice? Scripture reading and Bible study always represents (so to speak) a "God sighting" ("God speaking") and as such always applies to us as His creatures. Here, you want to go back over the passage and your observations and ask as many questions as you can. It is unified in all its parts and will never contradict itself (Ps. Saturate the study of Scripture with prayer. Then we have mentally to adjust the picture thus formed with the pictures already in our mindto hang it, so to speak, in its right place, so that it may blend with the convictions of truth already attained. Okay, so what is inductive Bible study, exactly? When applied properly, the inductive method will provide a better overall understanding of a passagewhat it says, what it meant to its original audience, and what it means today. Its helpful to take a funnel approach to the book youre reading. David Shepherd rightly exhorts us to leave out not "step" in study of God's Word but to be diligent to Read it to get the facts, study it to get the meaning, meditate on it to get the benefit. The world will learn better, and will more likely be brought to know Christ when the lives of Christians are better, and when the Bible of the Christian Life shall be more in, accordance with the Bible of Christian doctrine. He will be inquired of by us. Our Lord taught that those who are, blessed (makarios [word study]) are those who hear the word of God and observe (phulasso [word study]) it. For instance, as you explore the terms Messiah and Son of God, you might be moved to respond in prayer and worship. Once you do that, you can start shining a light on smaller sections of Scripture. xref Key words and phrases are repeated in order to convey the author's point or purpose for writing. Sometimes youll be studying a passage that has a precise application. Thus, interpretation flows out of observation.