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In 2019/20, 27.6% of females aged 16-74 reported being victims of domestic abuse once or more since age 16, double that of males (13.8%)[footnote 17]. Reported in the Judicial Diversity Statistics 2020 publication, the quoted figures cover all court judges, i.e. Therefore, to ensure comparability across year, these forces have been excluded from the calculations for the year on year change. Figure 4.03: Number of Penalty Notices for Disorder issued, by sex, 2015 to 2019. Further information on the following topics related to offender management is available online: Substance Misuse Treatment Programmes, Offender Learning, Safety in Custody, Deaths in or following police contact, Discipline in Prison Establishments (Adjudications), Restricted Patients, Home Detention Curfew, Release on Temporary License, Licence Recalls. , Defendants are reported against their principal (i.e. Secure Childrens Homes and Secure Training Centres are for males (those who are younger or have more complex needs) and females aged 10-17. National Statistics status means that official statistics meet the highest standards of trustworthiness, quality and public value. Females reported that it was harder for family and friend to visit them in prison (this may be due to there being fewer female prisons so the average distance from home is greater). It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. separation. , Monthly Youth Custody Official Statistics on the population in custody of children and young people within secure childrens homes (SCHs), secure training centres (STCs) and young offender institutions (YOIs) are published by the Youth Custody Service. , Self-declared from HR records, as at 1 April 2019. Please refer to the accompanying technical guide for further details. This difference is likely to be linked to the greater seriousness of offences typically dealt with at the Crown Court. Of those remanded in custody at Crown Court in 2019, 76% of male offenders were sentenced to immediate custody compared to 60% of females. , In this chapter, children refers to those aged 10 to 15 unless stated otherwise. 62.9% of custodial fathers are non-Hispanic white men. , Published figures for self-harm in prison can be found in Safety in Custody Statistics. The age distribution of female and male defendants is broadly similar. A greater proportion of female offenders are sentenced for offences that tend to receive shorter sentences. Figure 7.03: Average Custodial Sentence Lengths (ACSL) for indictable offences by sex and ethnic group, England and Wales, 2019. Over the last 5 years, there have been increases in female representation across almost all CJS organisations and in the proportion of senior staff. A first time offender is an offender who has been arrested by police in England or Wales; and who has received a first conviction, caution or youth caution for any offence[footnote 87] recorded on the Police National Computer. The overall levels of attainment for the cohort are slightly higher for the young female group, with 46% achieving 5 or more GCSEs (or equivalents) graded A* to G, including English and Maths, compared to 43% for young males. It draws upon published extracts of human resources records for the police (2019/20), Ministry of Justice (MoJ; 2018/19), Crown Prosecution Service (CPS; 2018/19), Her Majestys Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS; 2019/20), magistracy[footnote 119] and judiciary[footnote 120]. This proportion was 5 percentage points lower than the proportion of adult females that were prosecuted for indictable offences, at 15%. , Bespoke analysis can be found in the Chapter 3: Victims Tables published alongside this report. Overall personal crime rates continue to decrease from 2015/16. As at 30 June 2019, 5% of the prison population were female, this proportion has remained stable for the last 5 years. Similarly, males were twice as likely to be subjected to violence from a stranger (1.3%) than females (0.6%)[footnote 11][footnote 12]. like child support and child custody, contested. Offenders with 1 to 14 previous cautions or convictions. Youth custody report for February 2016 published. April 2017 to March 2018) offender cohort. Similarly, in just over half of all . The 75+ group was the only age group where prevalence of violent crime in highest among females. Include a detailed revisions policy within every release. Documents fulfilling this requirement have been published since 1992, in the form of statistical information. The statistics reported in this bulletin are primarily National Statistics[footnote 1], as drawn from either other published National Statistics bulletins or the data underpinning them. , The data in this section relates to persons remanded in each completed court case rather than to the number of remand decisions (a person may be remanded several times during a case). Young females had higher levels of FSM eligibility across all disposals, except for fines, compared to young males. If you use assistive technology (such as a screen reader) and need a The overall cautioning rate has been gradually decreasing over the last 5 years, from 18% in 2015 to 11% in 2019, and has been consistently lower for females than males, at 7% for females and 11% for males in 2019. Senior police officers increased their female representation to 27% in 2020, from 23% five years ago. In 2019, 96% of child custodial sentences were given to male children[footnote 84]. This was considerably higher than the proportion of pupils eligible for FSM in the overall pupil population (including both offenders and non-offenders) in 2013/14[footnote 102] and 2014/15[footnote 103] (14% for both young females and young males). Offenders with 1 to 14 previous cautions or convictions accounted for 51% of all offenders in 2019, 86% were male, compared to 14% who were female. Similar falls have been seen in the number of defendants prosecuted over the last 5 years when broken down by sex; the number of prosecutions for male defendants fell by 11% to 904,000 in 2019 and prosecutions for female defendants fell by 12% to 324,000 in 2019. Youth custody report for July 2014 published. , From April 2017, the upper age limit for the self-completion module was increased to ask all respondents aged 16 to 74. They are awarded National Statistics status following an assessment by the Authoritys regulatory arm. , Data from Nature of Violent Crime, England and Wales: year ending 2019 (appendix tables), Data on victims of Domestic abuse in 2019/20 is discussed in more detail further into this chapter. For both young males and young females that received a sentence/caution in the matched offender cohort, over half (57% of males and 61% of females) received Free School Meals (FSM). Females reported better conditions and facilities than males regarding: having their own cell, clean clothes, clean sheets, relationships with staff and contacting family and friends. This is true for all stages of timeliness for drug offences. However, given the range of recording practises (see technical guide for details) throughout the CJS, it is likely that most recording includes a mixture of physiological and personal identity. Report and data for March 2018 published. To allow for variable changes in headcount throughout the period considered, the sexes are best considered in terms of proportions of staff rather than absolute numbers. The custody rate ranged between 20% and 23% across all female ethnic groups. Females represented 5% of the prison population and this proportion has remained stable over the last five years. Benefit fraud females made up 55% of the 98 summary convictions in 2019, down 3 pp from 2015. , Department of Work and Pensions benefits statistics. Other defendants such as companies and public bodies are also excluded. Publication Child Support for Custodial Mothers and Fathers: 1997 October 2000 A consistently lower proportion of female defendants entered a guilty plea over the last 5 years, at 66% in 2019 compared to 71% of male defendants. This compared to Black females accounting for 6% of all female prosecutions. Conveyance of drugs or weapons into or out of prison females made up 53% of 324 convictions in 2019, up 8 pp since 2015. In 2019, 15% of males and 17% females elected to be tried at the Crown Court. Figure 5.05: Crime lower legal aid workload by sex and legal aid category, 2019. Prison population figures are from the Offender Management Statistics quarterly bulletin and are averaged across 12 months. Figure 5.03: Number of defendants proceeded against at magistrates courts, by offence type and sex, 2015 to 2019. This differs between functions within HMPPS, with the Prison Service (including Youth Custody Service) representing a lower proportion of females than the HMPPS as a whole, rising from 37% to 39%. Youth custody data - October data published. The overall child conviction ratio for indictable offences remained broadly stable since 2015, at 70%. Over the last 5 years, these proportions have been gradually increasing. In June 2019, the number of children and young people up to 18 years old in secure estates[footnote 61] was 885, of which 3% were female. There was no significant difference in the prevalence of sexual assault in the last year among men aged 16-74 for 2019/20 (0.7%) compared to 2018/19. All results relate to England and Wales unless explicitly stated otherwise. Similarly, we refer to females / males and women / men in this report, as a reflection of the binary classification in use. You have rejected additional cookies. Figure 3.03: Number of homicide offences currently recorded by the police, by sex of victim, 2008/09 to 2018/19. Violent crime was most prevalent in the 16-24 age group (Figure 3.02). Where a source is not National Statistics, users should consider this when making judgements about the weight that can be put on related findings. In the 2017/18 cohort, the reoffending rate was higher for males at 30%, compared to 23% for females. The number of TVLEO prosecutions has decreased for both female (down 30%) and male (down 37%) defendants since 2015, although the decrease between 2018 and 2019 was negligible compared to previous years. Overall, over half of young offenders sentenced or cautioned in the matched cohort had SEN without a statement, 61% for young females and 60% for young males. , Indictable offences are more serious offences that may (if triable-either-way) or must (if indictable only) be passed on to the Crown Court; while summary offences are typically less serious and almost always dealt with entirely in magistrates courts. In 2019/20, sexual assault towards females within the last year were over 4 times higher than towards males. The overall levels of FSM eligibility for the cohort was slightly higher for the young female group (61%) compared to the young male group (57%). The indictable offences for which the highest numbers of female offenders were sentenced in 2019 were: Theft from shops (9600 were sentenced, 3% of all sentences given to female offenders in 2019); Assault of an emergency worker (2700 sentenced); Fraud by false representation: cheque, plastic card and online bank accounts (940 sentenced); Possession of a Class A drug (870 sentenced); and. , Data for offending history includes both indictable and summary offences - unless otherwise stated. In the latest year, a higher proportion of females were issued PNDs for theft (retail under 100) compared to males, whereas males were more often issued PNDs for possession of cannabis compared to females (see Figure 4.04). In 2019, the average custodial sentence length (ACSL) for male offenders was 19.7 months compared to 11.3 months for female offenders. In 2018/19, a total of 85,900[footnote 28] adults engaged with liaison and diversion services, of which just over a fifth (21%) were females which is a higher proportion than those arrested (please see arrests section of this chapter). Youth custody report for November 2015 published. These figures had also reduced significantly from the previous year (males: 13.8%; females: 7.1%). We are trialling the publication of this statistical bulletin in HTML format alongside the usual PDF version and we are seeking user feedback on the use of HTML for the publication of statistical bulletins. Youth custody data for December 2016 published. Defendants with sex not stated accounted for 10% of all court proceedings in 2019, companies and public bodies accounted for 1%. In the same period, 16% of court reports prepared were for females, a proportion which has remained consistent in the last five years. Comparisons with previous years are not possible due to changes in the order of questions asked influencing overall trends. The largest difference in proportions between genders for fixed period exclusion was seen for those who were dealt with by a suspended sentence. The custody of children had already been the subject of parliamentary action in 1839. Previous data representing ages 16-59 are therefore incomparable to data after April 2017. This chapter (largely drawing from the Offender Management statistics Quarterly) provides statistics relating to offenders in custody or under supervision in the community, by sex. In 2019, 15% of the total crime lower legal aid workload was for female clients and this proportion has remained stable over the last 5-year period[footnote 41]. This difference is driven by female offenders receiving shorter average custodial lengths than males. , Data is from CSEW 2019 annual supplementary tables. Court custody includes those remanded in custody at any stage of proceedings at magistrates or Crown Court who may also have been given bail or not remanded at some stage of those proceedings. , The cautioning rate is the number of offenders who were given a caution divided by the number who were either cautioned or convicted (excluding summary motoring offences). In homicides with victims under the age of 16, where the principal suspect was identified, 31% of suspects were the parent (males: 21%; females: 42%). National Statistics status can be removed at any point when the highest standards are not maintained and reinstated when standards are restored. (Michon, 2021) . Figure 6.03: Number of Self-harm individuals in prison per 1,000 prisoners by sex, 2015 to 2019. Previously mothers had no rights at all over their children if the marriage broke down. It covers statistics on arrests and detentions under the Mental Health Act (1983), which are published by the Home Office in the Police Powers and Procedures, England and Wales, year ending 31 March 2020 publication. A similar trend was seen in male prosecutions over the last five years, where the number of males prosecuted for indictable offences was 25% lower in 2019 than in 2015. The following section discusses child offenders at different stages of the Criminal Justice System. Self-harm per individual was over twice as high for females at 9.3 instances, compared to 4.4 for males. Child Custody Statistics by Gender Who is most likely to be a custodial parent? Of all ethnic groups, both White female and White male offenders had the highest conviction ratios[footnote 72] for indictable offences at 84% and 85%, respectively, a trend that has remained broadly stable since 2015. A gender bias argument should not be used by a divorced father unless he has personal experience and can back up that experience with proof. Figure 8.01: The proportion of male and female offenders prosecuted for each offence group, England and Wales, 2019. The most recent annual reoffending data available is for the 2017/18 (i.e. , Excluding companies and those of unknown sex, which accounted for 10% of the total number of defendants in 2019. , This section excludes those where sex is not stated and other defendants such as companies and public bodies in total these accounted for 10% of all defendants in 2019. In 2019/20, 7,002 prisoners completed the survey of which 694 were female. Crime higher concerns legal representation in the Crown Court and above. In the Crown Court, 90% of crime higher legal aid work related to male clients. Of the 62,800 offenders released from prison sentences in 2019, 91% were male and 9% female. An oral report is usually completed within 24 hours of conviction where a limited amount of information is required by the sentencing court. The proportions of female practitioners vary across the CJS organisations (Figure 9.01)[footnote 121]. It is the Ministry of Justices responsibility to maintain compliance with the standards expected for National Statistics. , For both indictable and summary offences. In 2019/20, 640,000 arrests were carried out by police in England and Wales, which has remained stable over the last 3 years following a previously downward trend. Figure 8.03: Indictable offences with the highest proportion of female convictions, England and Wales, 2019. Newport, UK: Office for National Statistics. Figure 8.02 Change in female prosecutions for indictable offences, by offence group England and Wales, 2015 to 2019, Figure 8.02: Summary offences with the highest proportion of female convictions, England and Wales, 2019. , Where there were multiple offences on the same occasion, only the primary offence as recorded on the Police National Computer (PNC) would be counted. The publication also contains more detailed information on the make-up of the custody population by legal basis for detention, accommodation type, age group, gender, ethnicity and region of origin. Over the last 5 years, the proportion of prosecutions for summary non-motoring offences has been decreasing for both male and female defendants, offset by increases in both indictable and summary motoring offences. In the most recent year, females had a higher average number of reoffences per reoffender (also known as the frequency rate) compared to males, at 4.33 and 3.99, respectively. Therefore, Figure 3.01 refers to the previous year, 2018/19. This proportion was slightly less for females (83%), than for males (85%). The HMPPS Offender Equalities report 2019/20 (released on the same day as this report) also includes information on: Mother and Baby units, Sexual Orientation in the Prison Population, Accredited Programmes, Incentives and Earned Privileges and Electronic Monitoring. In the most recent year, the CPS and MoJ had the highest proportions of senior staff who were female at 57% and 51%, respectively; these were the only organisations where the representation of females in senior positions was higher than that of males. Youth custody report: September 2017 published. Email:, Alternative formats are available on request from, Available at, Fieldwork for the year to March 2020 was suspended two weeks early on Wednesday the 18th March 2020, just prior to the lockdown restrictions being announced by the Government on the 23rd March 2020. A higher proportion of female defendants were not remanded by police, which may be due in part to the different types of offences for which females and males are prosecuted and hence the risk they are perceived as representing. , This is not including the 96 victims of the Hillsborough disaster in 2016/17, where 89 were male and 7, female. For both sexes, the child custody rate has remained broadly stable since 2015, at 8% for males and 2% for females. The difference was greatest amongst those receiving fines, where a greater proportion of young females attained this level (22%) than the young male group (15%). Publish a time-series of revisions due to errors in our statistical processes and procedures so we can monitor the quality of our outputs. Figure 4.02: Proportion of arrests within each offence group, by sex, 2019/20, Detentions under section 136 of the Mental Health Act (1983)[footnote 25]. , Statistics used are from the CSEW 2019/20 unless stated otherwise; when differences are not referred to as statistically significant these are either not statistically significantly different, or differences have not been tested. In 2019, 26% of the 1.25 million defendants of known sex that had a completed case were female. Defendants with unknown or not stated sex accounted for 10% of all prosecutions in 2019. We also use cookies set by other sites to help us deliver content from their services. In 2019, prosecutions by age distribution of males and female defendants was broadly similar, with the majority of defendants concentrated between the ages of 18 and 59. The conviction ratio has been consistently higher for female offenders over the last 5 years, and was 88% in 2019, compared to 87% for males. To help us improve GOV.UK, wed like to know more about your visit today. In 2019, the guilty plea rates for indictable-only offences were 57% for males and 61% for females, and for triable-either-way offences they were 74% for males and 67% for females. For both young males and young females in the matched cohort, those who were sentenced to custody for 12 months or less had the lowest proportion attaining 5 or more GCSEs (or equivalents) graded A* to G. Figure 7.08 shows that across most disposal types, a greater proportion of young females attained this level than young males. In the same year, 51.7% of adults perceived the Criminal Justice System as effective; this did not significantly differ between sexes. As with crime lower, there has been a decreasing trend in the volume of crown court legal aid. Well send you a link to a feedback form. In 2019, the median average days from the offence to the completion of the criminal case was 153 days for females and 162 for males. 41% of females received a suspended sentence for this offence, compared with 20% of males. The purpose of this study was to further our understanding of what child custody evaluators and Figure 1.01: Proportions of males and females throughout the CJS, 2019 Victimisation Males maintain higher risk of personal crime than females. Detail how users will be informed of the need for revisions. Similar proportions are seen in convictions. Figure 5.09: The level of concordance between sentences proposed and outcomes for female and male offenders, by sentence type, 2019[footnote 56]. In the year ending March 2020 (referred to as 2019/20 throughout), the proportion of adults who were victim of a CSEW crime (excluding fraud and computer misuse) was 13.3%, down from 14.9% the year before, with no significant difference between men and women. Drunkenness in charge of a child females made up 67% of the 162 convictions, up 6 pp from 2015. Drunk and disorderly accounted for the highest proportion of PNDs issued for both males and females in 2019. This was considerably lower than the proportion of pupils achieving this attainment level for the overall pupil population (including both offenders and non-offenders) in 2013/14[footnote 94] (62% for young females and 52% for young males) and 2014/15[footnote 95] (62% for young females and 53% for young males). For example, 52% of young females who received a suspended sentence had 5 or more GCSEs graded A* to G, compared to 44% of young males. In addition, the annual report from the Head of Profession to the National Statistician will: Provide information on how many revisions were required to our publications and the reasons for these. These figures are calculated differently from those used for the Criminal Justice Statistics Quarterly: December 2019 bulletin, which is used as the basis for the section on plea at the Crown Court and the remainder of the Crown Court committal section they are not directly comparable to these sections. Having a SEN statement may indicate a higher level of need. This publication is available at This total includes exclusions from previous schools covered by the exclusion legislation.] In 2019, Black males were particularly over represented, accounting for 12% of all male prosecutions. News stories, speeches, letters and notices, Reports, analysis and official statistics, Data, Freedom of Information releases and corporate reports. Overall, of the young offenders sentenced/cautioned, a larger proportion of young males (14%) had been permanently excluded compared to young females (10%). This varies by offence type, females accounted for a higher proportion of prosecutions for summary offences (29%) than indictable offences (14%). ONS data from 2012 shows that of the UK's 400,000 single parent families, only 13.5% of these (54,000) are single dads. When men get awarded child support, they average 17% less than women. Youth custody report for September 2015 published. However, these data have been extracted from large administrative and survey data systems generated by the courts, police forces and other agencies. A contributing factor is the greater availability of females when an enforcement officer visits the home[footnote 116]. Time Method View help for Time Method , The conviction ratio is calculated by dividing the total number of defendants convicted by the total number of defendants prosecuted in the same period. Males were proportionately more likely to be victims of homicide in public places, notably on the street (males: 30%; females: 6%). , This section looks at persons only and excludes those where sex is not stated. Offenders with 15 or more previous cautions or convictions. Child custody A campaign to change the law was led by Caroline Norton, whose own marriage to a violent husband had failed.