Grayson Vaughan 13 Reasons Why, Articles C

Click each card to check out their corresponding character sheets. [art 24], That afternoon, Caleb performed the Transmogrification ritual on Nott. He is played by Liam O'Brien. After a full day of riding through the Barbed Fields, Caleb noticed that Beau, badly injured, was struggling, but she insisted that she was fine. Mayhem ensued as the group tried to get out safely. Caleb and Nott flew out on a brief reconnaissance mission, but had to return quickly after they were accosted by a Righteous Brand soldier. At its conclusion, he changed form into a dragon turtle and crashed down onto Uk'otoa's head. [24] Caleb has a soft Zemnian (German) accent. While they eventually separated due to the differences in elven and human aging, they remained close friends for the rest of Calebs life. "Cat and Mouse" (2x128) Caleb cast another original creation of his for the first time: Widogast's Vault of Amber. Caleb asked Beau if she could get him into the Cobalt Soul library in Zadash, and she agreed under the condition he tell her why he was afraid of fire. He has since realized that the more patriotic thing to do, and a better way to honor his parents, would be to make sure that the corruption of children by the Empire is stopped. Transcript:Critical Role Campaign 2 Wrap-Up - Critical Role He proposed taking Vess DeRogna's job offer to explore Eiselcross. [art 20]. Critical Role fanart of our favorite hobo wizard, albeit with his initial hobo outfit. [173] In Caleb's epilogue, he fulfilled this dream. When Essek insisted that it was too late for redemption, Caleb kissed him on the forehead and told him that although they may both be damned, they could "choose to do something and leave it better than it was before. Caleb summoned Frumpkin, with four globules of light floating around him, saying he was the "Fey King" who would curse them for decades. Caleb Widogast x reader - requests are open!! [137], Caleb and Molly were friends. Caleb suggested renaming their stolen ship the "Shit" or the "Shittake," as mist in Zemnian is a word for "shit. "Where There Is a Will" (2x138) After being gifted Melora's boon, Fjord asked Caleb if he wanted the Glove of Blasting back. Caleb let Twiggy play with Frumpkin (again in cat form) and told her she could be an honorary member of the Mighty Nein. [132], Caleb respected Fjord's desire to tell him about his past at his own pace. They decided to disguise themselves as sick people to get in, create a distraction, find Ren Sutan's office and go through the papers there. "Family Gathering" (2x71) His attacks forced Lucien to burn through legendary resistances, and when Essek was charmed, Caleb dispelled the effect. Caleb met and talked with Timorei and Ira, two of the Somnovem. And, even now, all these years later, I can't shake it, I still care a great deal about you. [art 34]. It had a rocky start, as Jester came from a sheltered, lavish upbringing and Caleb had a very troubled past and came from a poor household, which meant their worldviews were very different. Caleb dug a grave with his cat's paw, removed Molly's coat, and wrapped him in his tapestry. Lvl 2 They then held an audience with the Bright Queen about the upcoming peace talks. Caleb Widogast ", "Astrid and Eadwulf were willing to do anything that Ikithon asked of them. She let them off without penalty. Caleb saw the close parallels between his own situation and Essek's, and urged him to seize this one opportunity to change and save himself. [Spoilers C2E8] Character Backgrounds : criticalrole - reddit Trent singled out three students from Bren's hometown (Bren, Eadwulf Grieve, and Astrid Becke), and used them in human experimentation, embedding crystals into their skin in an attempt to increase their power. 17 / 15[18][19] Trent Ikithon was in attendance when the Nein met with King Dwendal. On the way out of Shadycreek, Beau confided in Caleb about her rocky past with the Cobalt Soul. During the fight with Avantika, Caleb polymorphed into a T-Rex. "Wood and Steel" (2x58) DC Caleb spoke to Halas, who told him a little about Zemniaz and Aeor. "Ghosts, Dinosaurs, and Stuff" (2x102) Sensing that something was up, Caleb sent Frumpkin in the form of a monkey to spy on a private conversation between Thain and Ludinus Da'leth. Caleb is the first player character on Critical Role to roll a Natural 20 while attacking himself. "Uthodurn" (2x73) "Rebirth" (2x139) 2018 Official full body portrait of Caleb Widogast, by Ari. Below are the player character stats as they have been most recently updated on the show. They discussed their goals and the possibility of atonement. Soon after, Essek arrived in disguise on a visit, giving Caleb a kiss as he asked to hear about the defeat of Uk'otoa. Should I trust you? [138] When the party later pressed Caleb on his dissociation and he pointed out that it was a traumatizing experience, Molly suggested using alcohol to numb the pain.[139]. Caleb was shaken by this encounter. He took the group to a dance hall he, Astrid, and Eadwulf used to visit, and danced with Beau and Fjord in turn. "The Gentleman's Path" (2x19) When Fjord got pulled into the stained glass window in the library, Caleb searched for a way to help him rather than explore or take books. With coaching from Fjord, Beau hugged him back, equally awkwardly, and asked if they were friends. Caleb has cast or is known to have copied the following spells into his spellbook: 17th-level wizards typically only know 5 cantrips. Campaign Two (141 episodes)Campaign Three (1 episode)Specials (3 episodes) [No Spoilers] Caleb Widogast by Me. Although Beau is much more expressive and confrontational, they share a similar awkwardness in social situations. Blumenthal, Zemni Fields (hometown)Rexxentrum, Zemni Fields (post-campaign home) Three pieces of amber (used as components when casting, Obtained by Caleb after killing Ikithons guard in the, Returned to Caleb by Jester, who had been given it by Fjord, Ring of Telepathy (120-foot range) acquired from, The beacon was found to contain a nearly incomprehensible amount of power when Caleb used, Removed to free an attunement slot for the. You're so little. [12][13][14][15][16][17] He wanted to be able to bend reality to his will. He also read up on the history and eight current members of the Cerberus Assembly. Fjord agreed with the rest of the party that they should try to get away from Avantika as soon as possible, but Caleb doubted she would let them leave easily because she needed Fjord and his orb. Yes, I was a student of the. She quietly told Caleb that Ludinus Da'leth had asked that they be tracked by the Volstrucker while in Eiselcross and that he knew the Nein were in town and that Vess DeRogna was dead. ", From Old French, it can mean "destruction" or "destroyed; ravaged; decimated", and is an alternate form of. Caleb asked for an unspecified favor in return if he helps figure out this pedestal. When he left, she told him he was welcome back any time and she would like to see more of him. Last seen I hope I do not let you down. The day before they met the rest of the Mighty Nein, Nott and Caleb were attacked by a pack of gnolls hiding in grass,[62][63] and Caleb was knocked unconscious. Caleb attempted to keep Lucien from entering the Tower, and was angered when Lucien dispelled it. Astrid asked Caleb if he meant what he said inside, that he means to stop Trent, and Caleb said he did. Caleb was able to resist when Halas attempted to possess him, and verified that it was really him to the group by saying "Eldritch Blast" in a poor imitation of Fjord's old accent. Caleb is a red-haired wizard. *Tunic not included* Scarf for cosplaying Caleb Widogast from Critical Role. {{art caption}}: autoformat art credits/captions, {{infobox character}}: infobox for character pages, {{infobox episode}}: infobox for episode pages, {{new artist category}}: boilerplate for new artist category pages, {{new character}}: boilerplate for new character pages, {{new episode}}: boilerplate template for new episode pages, Articles needing presumption confirmation, Liam O'Brien explains that Caleb's alignment was Lawful Evil before the stream started, but that his alignment changed to True Neutral, Liam O'Brien clarifies that Caleb's alignment was Lawful Evil both before and after he was "broken" by Trent Ikithon, Liam confirmed Caleb was in a romantic relationship with both Astrid and Eadwulf on, The players leveled up and rolled hit points on a video released 6 May 2021 on YouTube. Jester asked Caleb if that meant that Essek was "coming onto" him, to which Caleb telepathically replied, "It's complicated.". The next day, with help from Essek and Nott, Caleb was able to complete the Transmogrification spell found in Halas's laboratory. He allowed them to see a few rooms on the eighth floor, including a reproduction of Caleb's childhood home and one of the Nestled Nook Inn in Trostenwald, where the party first met. [150][151], The two wizards rebuilt their bond during their time in Aeor, discussing their past sins and working together. In the fight with the froghemoth, Caleb debuted a spell of his own creation: Widogast's Web of Fire. Astrid replied, "race you to the top. They bonded over their feelings of guilt and grief. He told her that she should "let herself a little happiness," and they embraced. "The Threads Converge" (2x85) Nott talked to Caleb about her insecurities about her reunion with Yeza, asking if she was a bad person for continuing adventuring and expressing doubt if she wanted to go back to being a housewife. Seeing what level the characters are at now, I've been wondering how far they've actually come in terms of levels/XP. [114], Caleb decided to release Frumpkin after coming to terms with his past and his possible chance of death at the hands of Lucien. Caleb acquired a fourth red eye while connecting with the hive mind of the Somnovem. Caleb decided to accept Ikithon's invitation to dinner in order to see if Astrid and Eadwulf were redeemable people and what Ikithon's intentions were for inviting them. ", "Yasha, let yourself a little happiness. ", Fan art of Caleb welcoming the party to his Tower, by Cha Cha Rae. [157], While in Rexxentrum, Caleb went privately to see Astrid at her home. [104], Fan art of Caleb and Frumpkin, by saturdaysky. [art 10]. [art 3] "The Midnight Chase" (2x03) Caleb - He's a variant human and is proficient in (at least) Arcana, History, Insight, and Investigation. Appearances Caleb proceeded to set the jail on fire and scream for help. Official 2022 portrait of Caleb, by Ari. Fan art of Caleb, by Nikki Dawes. Despite a low persuasion roll, Essek then decided to begin teaching him the basics of dunamancy, offering to let him transcribe two spells from his spellbook, Gift of Alacrity and Fortune's Favor. It was Caleb's idea to stay in Trostenwald to find new companions "to tag along with. After Nott shared her history of being transformed into a goblin and hiding from her family, she asked Caleb to share his own story, saying that they might need his knowledge to help find her missing husband. His home was a small cottage in the style of his parents' home in Blumenthal, with planters of green beans in front,[95] but he usually put up his tower once inside and spent the nights there. [art 18]. This wiki contains spoilers for all stories of Critical Role. [113] Even though Frumpkin's deaths are temporary, Caleb takes it personally when someone other than Nott kills him. Later, Jester asked Caleb if he loved Astrid. Molly and Fjord went in first, making a large ruckus, but Caleb and Nott were accosted by Ren. During the battle with Lucien in the Aether Crux, Caleb primarily used attacks manifested from his imagination, and attempted several times to reach out to Mollymauk. Zemnian Human caleb widogast character sheet - Beauregard has called Caleb her best friend, and Beauregard is probably the person Caleb trusts most after Veth. Luc is the son of Caleb's best friend, Veth, and Caleb has made multiple efforts to comfort and connect with Luc. In the battle with the Laughing Hand, Caleb Polymorphed into a giant ape. "The Ruined Sliver" (2x104) Caleb later used Teleportation Circle to take the Nein and the newly-restored Clay family to Uthodurn. schetti. Their relationship has evolved significantly since the beginning of the campaign. . He started going by multiple aliases and hid from Trent for the next five years. Nott fed him a healing potion, bringing him back. During the battle with Dashilla, Caleb was immediately knocked unconscious by her Death Glare. Caleb seemed taken aback, but told her they would discuss it later, and called to the others to join them. Along with the rest of the Mighty Nein, Caleb was expelled from the Revelry after Avantika's execution. Lvl 10 Caleb asked the shop owner if she had any historical romances. Their relationship became more strained when the Mighty Nein infiltrated the High Richter's house in Zadash and during the Mighty Nein's time at sea. When Fjord confessed to the party that he had broken his pact with Uk'otoa and was now powerless, Caleb gave Fjord his Glove of Blasting. The real issue is that her direction for her character and Matt's direction of Yasha seem to be very different, so any time she returns she has to play the stormlords chosen (TM) where she has 0 involvement and RP with Marishas self insert character and her poorly concealed desire to get pegged by a muscle-mommy. Caleb Widogast Cosplay Scarf - Etsy Caleb and Beau discovered the eyes were giving them additional abilities, including darkvision and mild telepathy. Ads by Longitude. She explained that he started lashing out violently at her and others as well, showing him the burn scars on her neck. To help her escape, Caleb Polymorphed Beau into a wooly mammoth. Critical Role - Character Backgrounds (Possible Spoilers) She often includes him in conversation, teases him, and tries to cheer him up. For the rest of his life, he taught, not only Luc Brenatto, but also at Veth's summer camp for young adventurers, and at the Soltryce Academy. [152][153] Some months after Lucien and Trent were defeated, they returned to the Temporal Dock in Aeor. [99] Later, Caleb and Essek returned to the Temporal Dock chamber in Aeor's Genesis Ward, where he mentally reviewed the plan he had had to go into the past, disguised as his younger self, and convince his parents to leave with him for Tal'Dorei, leaving two bodies from his Vault of Amber behind. Common, Zemnian,[8] Sylvan,[9] Celestial[10] Fan art of Caleb and Frumpkin, by HeartofPack. He admitted for the first time that his real name was Bren Aldric Ermendrud. Caleb Widogast, Aerie Hong | Critical role fan art, Character art [64] Nott blamed herself for their inability to stay in any place for long without getting into trouble. "Hunted at Sea" (2x100) They met when they were both going through very difficult times, and have supported each other throughout their journeys, helping each other overcome many obstacles. [146][147], Their relationship became complicated after the revelation that Essek had given the beacons to the Cerberus Assembly. Caleb was able to learn more about the furthest extent of transmutation, changing reality, and the manipulation of time. He used Cat's Ire to keep Fjord from being dragged underground by the adult remorhaz. A book of letters to Una and Leofric Ermendrud. After discovered DeRogna's dead body, Caleb placed her in his Vault of Amber. Marion reminded Caleb that bad people try to make good people believe they are at fault for being victimized, and to focus on the good things he does. 20 Caleb eventually discovered a story about Kylre's specific demonic powers in the book Fiends of Folklore. After that, he killed one of the guards, took a necklace to hide from Ikithon, and escaped. on the Laughing Hand with Widogast's Web of Fire. The party managed to successfully leave combat with the Tombtakers, although they were still being pursued. Fiction: CAT - Post CR C2 Ep141. "Clay and Dust" (2x72) Via Teleport, he gathered Veth, Beau, and Yasha and joined the others where they were shipwrecked, then Teleported the entire party to the Wuyun Gates. Caleb asked Fjord and Nott to accompany him on a walk to the Soltryce Academy. After scuffling with a few cultists, Caleb got the How do you want to do this? [53], Bren attended the Soltryce Academy at 15 (around 817 PD), and stated that for the first time he felt as though he belonged. Sheet Music All Movies . While voyaging to Eiselcross, the party were attacked by more minions of Uk'otoa. caleb widogast character sheet [165] In "Fond Farewells" (2x141), Caleb destroyed the T-dock chamber in Aeor, removing the possibility of time travel for himself and future adventurers. Caleb used his giant cat's claw to ride through the shattered window into the cathedral and casts a massive Fireball into the center of the cultists, killing four outright (and succeeding on his resulting wisdom save). His outfit has changed a few times, but most of the time he wears long coats and scarfs. He then successfully Polymorphed it into a sea slug. Caleb Widogast is a perfect example of how Liam O'Brien explored tragedy in D&DCHECK OUT MASTERSCREEN: NEXT:TTRPG Deep Dives: h. The party then rescued Jester, Fjord, and Yasha.[73]. Caleb got the HDYWTDT? This inevitably leads to him being . The spell was successful, but he felt guilty afterward. Caleb told the party that they could sleep safely inside the bubble and no one would be kidnapped again. He also has two red-eye tattoos, one between his shoulderblades and one on the front of his right shoulder. Alive (resurrected) Later, the party was attacked by minions of Uk'otoa. After the meeting ended, Trent approached the party, who stepped defensively in front of Caleb, and addressed him as "Bren". on the gorgon, despite it using its last legendary resistance to succeed on its saving throw against Widogast's Web of Fire. She and Astrid Becke were encouraging him to take a full-time professorship at the Academy, but as of the events of "The Mighty Nein Reunited Part 1" (Sx73) (six months post-Campaign), he was "not quite ready for that". The apparent leader invited him to step forward, but when Caleb did so, a rope wrapped his ankles and hoisted him dangling upside-down three or four feet off the ground. caleb widogast character sheetcost of natural swimming pool. "The Neverending Day" (2x125) # SAM Do you not have armor? Privacy. Later that night, the Mighty Nein went to the Restless Wharf, in hopes of spying on and perhaps interrogating Marius LePual. She touched Caleb several times during their conversation and told him she would like to see him again. "Converging Fury" (2x27) When the party fell asleep that night, Caleb and Beau shared a dream of a massive glowing red eye that peered into them, while the sound of thousands of voices and screams, saying, "Welcome" echoed in their minds. Yasha then gave him a big hug. He'll 100% avoid something that he doesn't like rather than deal with it. Then, nott reacts as if she doesn't recognise Caleb once he gets clean. Seeing his oldest friend turn on him, and the potential crumbling of the wall of secrecy he had maintained, Caleb vomited in the middle of the floor. [art 27]. Thank you for join, Matt says that the rolls from the party, the notably low rolls, informed how the Mighty Nein's expedition in the Sh. "A Dangerous Chase" (2x64)