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Those with a dragon for a Patronus are sure to be fierce fighters, and the Dementors better be ready for a challenge! In a blink of an eye, casters of this Patronus are often capable of a high level of tactical acumen that allows them to quickly get in and out. Drinking their blood is a heinous crime and at least two unicorns were slain by Professor Quirrel so that Lord Voldemort could do it and return his power. If your herb is too moist, most of the heat will be wasted on drying out your buds. This tiny predator as a Patronus would likely catch a Dementor off guard before sinking its teeth into its scaly flesh, sending the dark creature heading for the hills and far away from you. In the spring, brown hares can be found boxing with each other in open farmlands. He managed to summon it for the first time during a meeting with Dumbledores Army in 1996 and then again during the Battle of Hogwarts. Buzzard - The term buzzard refers to many species of birds of prey but is often used to refer to those that feed on carrion. One flap of its 11 ft wingspan is enough to beat even the most determined Dementor flying toward you! We will only mention them, without describing them in detail. Salamander - It is a type of amphibian, typically characterized by a lizard-like appearance. Kobe took the name from Kill Bill wherein an assassin uses a black mamba snake to kill another character. Muggles have often been deceived by their cheerful song and their trademark red breast and written them off as a pretty bird. Lion - The lion, along with being the mascot of Gryffindor House, is often seen as the "king of beasts." What does it mean to have a black mamba patronus, and how rare is it The biggest living mammal on Earth is native to Africa and Asia. Hagrid adored them and Rons brother Charlie was on the dragon trainers in Romania. While they are hunting, they move quickly and confidently through the trees in pursuit of prey! They were described as extremely aggressive and classified as beasts by the Ministry of Magic. Fierce and persistent, this critter pursues soldier ants under cover of darkness without the slightest fear. Great Grey Owl- This Patronus is small but strong. Badgers mostly keep to themselves but are aggressive when threatened. Borzoi . Marsh Harrier- Marsh harriers are medium-sized birds of prey. This was a magical beast native to the Far East and India. Have a Sphynx protect you and watch the Dementor flee before these incredible hairless cats! [3], Once youve found your Patronus, you cant retake the quiz and get one you like better. Basset Hound is a short-legged dog with long ears. Black Stallion- Horses often represent free-spirited and adventurous personalities. Dun Stallion- The dun stallion Patronus relates to a serious, responsible, down-to-earth person. You know exactly what you want and focus your energies on your target, but you dont chase every opportunity. Borzois are reserved around new people but are really loving around those they are comfortable with. [16], 1. One of the most important animals in the Harry Potter world. As a patronus this can mean you find comfort in the intelligence of others, you always want people to be sure, and have facts and ideas to support their opinion.Aug 10, 2017[2], As the rarest Patronus possible, the Albatross represents an enormous bird that flies freely across any sea. These birds are full of song and will sing all year long. One of the most important animals in the Harry Potter world, this bird is a rare corporeal form of a Patronus Charm. The bat is a guide, helping people understand a difficult situation and giving them strength to make necessary changes. At Quidditch tryouts, youre the player who says, Put me anywhere you need me! Jacobs sibling had seven possible Patronus forms and leopard was one of them. Black Mare - This animal is typical for people who show strong motivation in life and usually represents passion, determination, and an appetite for freedom. Deerhounds are eager to please and will happily drive away Dementors with their irresistible urge to chase their prey! Your brown hare Patronus will not hesitate to get in a fighting stance and face the Dementors head-on. Cho Chang was capable of conjuring a Patronus in the form of a swan and Tablott Wingers mother was an Animagus who took the form of a white swan. Tamara Stiglic Vodopic is a content writer based in Rijeka, Croatia. Having an eagle for a Patronus will protect you from any harm Dementors may attempt. When hungry, a real polar bear can be unpredictable and vicious. Resourceful animals that thrive near freshwater, they will go to any ends to protect the witch or wizard who cast them. They hunt alone, using their great sense of hearing and their stealth to move through the forests without being seen by either their prey or those who may be watching. Fire-Dwelling Salamander - This small, fire-dwelling lizard is born out of flames and lives as long as the flames that spawned it, though it can survive outside them for up to six hours if fed properly. Pretty understandable when we take their wits and smarts into account. The Dukuwaga is a mascot of the Fijian National Quidditch team. Dapple Gray Mare - Strong and filled with energy, the beautiful dapple gray mare will prance circles around you as she protects you from the darkness of the Dementors. Ragdoll Cat - Ragdolls are one of the sweetest cats ever. I looked it up online and went Thats me, he had said. Regardless of its small size, this Patronus is extremely powerful and will conquer a full battalion of Dementors. The dun gene gives the horse a unique champagne color on top of their normal color. Shark - They are the most feared fish in the ocean and have diversified into over 500 species (two of which can also survive and be found in rivers). This creatures stubbornness and instinct to protect make it a formidable enemy for Dementors! Like most snakes, black mambas can be associated with great wisdom and a sharp mind. A famous Irish witch, Morrigan, was an Animagus and could turn into a crow. Once they set a goal, they always seem to get what theyre after. Crows are also fearless. Black Mamba | Harry Potter Wiki | Fandom Fox Terrier- This is a small yet fearless dog that loves being outside and around people. Runespoor - The Runespoor is a magical three-headed snake native to Africa, known for its association with Parselmouths and Dark magic. An important animal in the Harry Potter world. Your wonderful Tonkinese Patronus will run rings around any Dementors! They are the natural mapmakers of the animal kingdom, using twigs and leaves at key points to help them find their way around. Hedley Fleetwood had a Patronus in the form of a woolly mammoth, an extinct species of elephant. The strength of this Patronus rests in the sense of belonging and is therefore more powerful when used in defense of loved ones than in personal defense. But they also symbolize strength, wisdom and power on one side and loneliness on the other. While they may not be the most ferocious protectors, they are one of the most mysterious and magical. They are flying mammals and can be found in many parts of the world. Dementors will be chased away by a whirling dervish! Other two snowy owls in the series are Brodwin and Temeritus Shanks Owl. However, everyone else may see you as introverted, proud, or even haughty. Some of the most famous are the Ashwinder, the Horned Serpent and the Sea Serpent. Their senses are sharp so as to easily detect their predators, which are abundant. Patronus List | Wiki | Harry Potter Amino Borzoi- Also known as the Russian wolfhound, this is a quiet, yet independent, athletic dog. His Patronus was in the form of a goat. They were named after the shape of their ears, initially referred to as jackass rabbits. In the movie, they had grey coats instead of palomino coats and were brought to school by Madame Olympe Maxime. The meaning of a stag is heroic and brave. This mostly gentle giant would make a wonderful Patronus, protecting its owner with its amazing strength. These big cats are strong and graceful with gorgeous spotted coats. Snakes are powerful symbols, and those whose patronus takes the form of a serpent tend to also be powerful people in kind. In the previous link, you'll find all the valid choices you can make in each set for a specific Patronus. Bat medicine often goes hand in hand with the need of personal transformation. This beautiful and elegant gene mutation gives your Patronus a special glow that will fill your heart with warmth, giving your Patronus extra power to fight the Dementor in your path! When they feel threatened, or sometimes just for fun, they run and leap in dizzying zig-zag patterns, clearing any obstacle that gets in their way. She never saw them as malevolent, rather contrary. These are all the possible answers to the 5 Black Mamba patronus quizzes. She has a Master's degree in English and German Language Teaching and Literature from the Philosophical Faculty in Rijeka. Another magical creature deferred from regular horses by wings that enabled them to fly. Abraxan Winged Horse (very rare) Adder. It is very widespread and can be found in many parts of Western Europe and even East Asia. Polar Bear - Polar bears are native to the Arctic region and are one of the largest species of bears. Nature has gifted the world with these natural Dementor hunters, and while Muggles may not be able to comprehend the gift of these animals, you will soon come to realize how fortunate you are to have this as your Patronus. Are Alligators Predators To Burmese Pythons? Eagle - Eagles are one of the largest birds of prey in the world. And of course, this is J.K. Rowlings own Patronus, so you should be sure of this animals respect, beauty, and loyalty. These highly endangered animals native to the Arctic circle and dependent on sea ice are also possible forms of a Patronus Charm. West Highland Terrier - West Highland White Terriers, or Westies as they're affectionately known, are full of character. If you're embarrassed by your Patronus, you're not alone these are the lamest 'Harry Potter' spirit animals you can get. They are known to be excellent mousers and can even be dog-like, resulting in the perfect watch-cat"! Robin - A fond favorite of the British public, the robin is an iconic feature of the landscape. Stoat - Stoats are also known as short-tailed weasels. Impala - The impala is known for its speed, agility, and grace. The first time for the Tri-Wizard tournament and the second for Albus Dumbledores funeral. Their main role was to carry letters from wizard to wizard. This stallion is strong and proud, with more than enough strength for the both of you to stand against Dementors. While these may not be the cats to chase down a Dementor, they will stay with you, protecting and calming you until the Dementor fades away. But the scariest and most feared was the Basilisk. Although they were bred for hunting, Deerhounds are gentle dogs with a very friendly nature. Dragonflies are representative of what it means to be light, reflective, and full of joy - in all senses of the words. Despite their power, they are calm and sensible animals. Though they are not the prettiest of birds, they are respected and feared for always getting what they want. Stag - The stag is a symbol of strength. Their ability to glide for hours without needing to use any energy means your albatross Patronus will always be ready to fight for you at a moment's notice. Its beacon of positive energy will surround you and give you the strength to drive off the forces of darkness! Bat (unusual) Bay Mare. What Does Your Patronus Say About Your Personality? black mamba patronus rarity . Peacocks are not always full of color. Therefore they need to be mentioned since we first find out about Harry Potter being a Parselmouth when he wakes up next to a giant boa constructor. These birds are native to New World birds. This Patronus is described as watchful and loyal. Snowy Owl- The snowy owl is traditionally thought to possess strong magic and have insight into the future. Falcons are birds of prey, similar to eagles, but much smaller. They like open space with plenty of room to stretch their wings. Kirsten Acuna. [7], The bite of a black mamba can cause collapse in humans within 45 minutes. This Playlist contains answers to get all the possible Rare and Unusual Patronus on Pottermore ( [Regularly Updating] [On Request] Black and White Cat - Also known as a tuxedo cat, this is a cat of not necessarily its own breed, but its own coloration. Once committed to an attack, sparrowhawks will never stop pursuing their target. What Does Your Patronus Say About Your Personality? - MuggleNet They are highly intelligent and energetic, loving to play! Your mongrel dog Patronus will be loyal and friendly toward you but fierce against any Dementor that seeks to harm you. They prefer loose soil and often wreak havoc under gardens where the dirt has been loosened by vegetation. Therefore, when a wizard casts a Patronus charm while harnessing the strength of the Black Mamba, they could produce a powerful and resilient Patronus. Crows are black birds related to ravens, believed to have lived in Hagrids pumpkin patch in the 1993/1994 school year. Mares, in particular, are known to be intelligent, courageous, and extremely loyal to their owner. It is also a Patronus of protection. All Patronus Answers Wizarding World - All Quiz Answers (2023) This magical creature is a three-headed snake native to Africa. These cats were popular among Muggles and wizards and many first year students at Hogwarts brought them as their pets. There are many associations between black cats and folklore. Many consider them to be their spirit animals. We all get along quite well, and when something major hits the fandom - like the Patronus quiz finally becoming available on . This ferocious, determined little beast would be fearless in the face of a soul-sucking Dementor. The most famous snowy owl in the Harry Potter world is Harrys pet Hedwig. Constance Pickerings Patronus was a unicorn. Black stallions, in particular, tend to be extremely passionate and are often dominating personalities. They are known to be the quirkiest of cats, and you can spend your whole life trying to unravel all the quirks and idiosyncrasies of these delightful felines. They were gigantic and powerful and used and bred to perform many difficult tasks. They are quick to protect family members who may be in danger and often act as a guardian for those around them. Nowadays, beagles are some of the most famous family dogs since they are affectionate and independent and enjoy the company of other people. Aragog size was compared to a baby elephants. A very interesting, although rare corporeal form of a Patronus charm. Cats were kept as pets by both muggles and wizards, being one of the most beloved pets, especially among children. Mountain Hare - Though small, a mountain hare is far from useless. Dementors will not know what hit them from the back! Dementors better keep their heads up if a leopardess is your Patronus! If your Patronus is the lioness, you likely love with such ferocity, no one - not even a lion - would dare mess with you or anyone you love. Thestral The horse-like creatures that pull the carriages that take the Hogwarts students from the train to grounds are only visible. They are masters of chaos and are actually quite intelligent. A mother tiger with cubs is one of the most patient, protective, self-sacrificing animals that there ever was. This typically occurs in 7 to 15 hours. Every single calico cat can be widely different from the others! Snakes are powerful symbols, and those whose patronus takes the form of a serpent tend to also be powerful people in kind. They are unapologetic and band together with like-minded comrades to help one another with their goals. Representing play, energy, and resourcefulness, these little rodents are prepared to face hard times. Swift - Although swifts can be perceived as flighty, thats only because they have a strong sense of determination and a drive to accomplish things as quickly as possible, which makes them go from one endeavor to the next very quickly. It is the longest species of venomous snake in Africa and the second-longest venomous snake species overall, exceeded in length only by the king cobra. These seemingly mild house cats pack a lot of punch! Sparrow- The sparrow may be small, but its an incredibly powerful Patronus. Otter - Through their affinity to water, otters are symbolic of life and purification. Patronus minks do not take kindly to attacks on their casters. Wild rabbit Patronuses will throw themselves into the fray and create a barrier between the Dementors and the witch or wizard who cast the spell. If your herb is too moist, most of the heat will be wasted on drying out your buds. Dementors wont know what to do against this wildly wonderful Patronus! This cat loves to be active. Hummingbird - Theyll never see you coming - literally! Rats are verminous rodents, larger than mice and their body parts such as the spleen and their tails are often used in potions. They live mostly alone, sleep in their burrows during the day and come out at night in search of food. They are a spectacular sight to see, sometimes very close to the sea surface. Pottermore. They are given to dragons as rewards for good behavior. It will usually never venture farther than a six-mile radius of its birthplace. They can be very often seen in Harry Potter books and movies and even a part of Sybill Trelawneys lectures where she taught about Myomancy, the branch of Division, involving mice and rats. They are notorious for being huge, kind, and calm companions with a knack for swimming thanks to their webbed paws and heavy fur. White horses are also rare, making this a near one-of-a-kind Patronus for a truly special witch or wizard. Related to dogs, these wild animals used to live in the Forbidden Forest. Its design and tendency to travel in schools allow it to easily outmaneuver opponents, proving its proficiency in finding strength in numbers. They can be a bit proud, which might lead to trouble, but deep down, they care greatly for family and comfort. A Complete List of Pottermore Patronuses - So Far - MuggleNet It was when Lord Voldemort and Dementors attacked Hogwarts and its inhabitants. Therefore their meaning is rebirth. This special type of rabbit was the first corporeal Patronus of Nimphadora Tonks. Complete Guide to What Your Patronus Means About You - Theme Park Today They love their humans, often doing small acts of kindness to cheer you up such as patting your face or clowning about to entice a laugh. Phoenix - The only known possessor of this Patronus is Albus Dumbledore. "Harry Potter" site Pottermore unveiled a new quiz Thursday that allows fans to discover their Patronus. jim croce plane crash cause; 0 comments. It is also a messenger, carrying with it messages from the past, far distances, and the spiritual realm. With your monthly pledge of $1, you can interact with creators, suggest ideas for future posts, and enter exclusive swag giveaways! They tend to be solitary, territorial homemakers with dens and burrows lined with soft grasses and feathers. [23], The best way to experiment is to start in the 350-400 F (177-204 C) range and then work your way up or down by 5-10 (or 1 C) at a time. Albatross is a large, white seabird that mostly resides in the North Pacific and the Southern Ocean. Due to the unicorns affinity for women rather than men, medieval artists often portrayed the beast with a woman, causing it to become a sort of religious symbol of incarnation among Muggles. MuggleNet is an unofficial Harry Potter fansite.Please email us if you have any questions or concerns. 19992023 Rattlesnake - Rattlesnakes are venomous snakes. These good-natured steeds each have a unique coat - no two patterns will ever be the same. They are particularly susceptible to some curses and jinxes and their thorax is used by wizards as a potion ingredient. Otters are also extremely playful and curious. If this is your Patronus, then you should definitely feel pride at your unique and uncommonly found personality! Privacy Policy | COPPA Policy | Terms of Use | FeedbackMuggleNet is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and's affiliate program, affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to and These beautiful, large white birds are known corporeal forms of a Patronus Charm. Fiercely protective, she still embodies all the traits of the male leopard. Appearances Pottermore (Appears as a Patronus) You are brave, hardworking, and practical. What does it mean to have a Black Mamba as a Patronus? The otter was seen moving freely and carelessly, reflecting Grangers often unseen side. You are very much a loner. i got a black mamba on the pottermore patronus quiz, which is - reddit Theyre known to live in polar climates and mountain ranges, so someone with a mountain hare Patronus wouldnt be a stranger to adversity. Witches and wizards have known that this is due to their appearance around Dementors. Similarly, the Patronus will protect its master from any harm. If your Patronus is a hippogriff, you likely have a demeanor that commands respect or else. As the world's fastest land snake, it can outrun most people. They work well in teams, so when teaming up with other Patronuses, you can't be beaten. This small, black bird is due to its coloring often a symbol of magic, mystery and death. During the final match of the first quidditch game between Transylvania and Flanders, a chaser was transfigured into a polecat. A brown owl also delivered Hermione the Hate Mail after the publication of the article Harry Potters secret Heartache. Dragonfly - The dragonfly is steeped in illusionary magic. Raven was the family emblem of the Lestrange family. Orca - Its no mistake that orcas are nicknamed killer whales. They are one of the most effective hunters in the ocean. Swallow- The swallow is associated with love, happiness, protection, and curiously enough, with summer. How Heavy Is A Full Grown American Alligator? Flexibility here could easily come in any form, not just in body but also in mind, heart, and soul. Orangutan- Gentle and solitary, orangutans are known for their reasoning skills and the agility with which they navigate the forest. A witch or wizard would have a hard time finding a more ferocious friend! They often outsmart predators by hiding in incredible stillness, but they can run at formidable speeds if they need to get away. The black mamba is unique in that it only forms for those who show a special kind of mind. Abraxan Winged Horse - A breed of winged horse, gigantic in size and extremely powerful. Dolphins are highly intelligent aquatic mammals who are possible forms of a Patronus Charm. Perhaps that transition is from sadness to happiness when the Patronus is cast? Dementors will not be able to come near you with a Manx as your guardian! A wizarding myth says that Bloodhound Patronuses have alerted their witch or wizard to the impending arrival of the Dementors, making this a one-of-a-kind Patronus to produce. It was the animal that Harry Potter used to send Sirius Black a letter to inform him about the events he had seen and heard. The stags antlers can grow back once they fall off. Humans who were bitten by wolves would turn into werewolves on every full moon. However, its incredible speed is not attributed to hunting but rather escaping threats. This gigantic monster caused so much trouble to Harry and his friends and everyone at Hogwarts that the mention of its name makes our skin crawl. While they may not be the most protective of cats, they will fill you with joy and happiness. He first used it in a meeting with Dumbledores Army. With a strong sense of self-worth, these cats will observe and calculate before making a choice. If this is your Patronus, it is likely that you do some of your best work alone and are a firm believer that introverts can go toe to toe with some of the more boisterous members of the animal kingdom. Piebald Mare- Piebald, or pinto, horses are spotted. The skin of some species contains the powerful poison tetrodotoxin, and these salamanders tend to be slow-moving and have bright warning coloration to advertise their toxicity. Youre not lazy at all. These horses are known for their strength and agility. is the black mamba patronus rare - Newt Scamander had a number of occamies in his suitcase when he visited New York in 1926. They can make ordinary objects into tools and share learned behaviors with their young. Some are even known to be dog-like! The chill of a Dementor wouldnt slow this Patronus down one bit as it put its hunting skills and talons to use, sending your dark assailant packing. They were one of the most dangerous creatures in the wizarding world, but still, there were brave individuals who were trained to work with them. The phoenix lives to an immense age and can carry very heavy loads, and their tears have healing powers. The Bay mare Patronus will not back down when protecting you from a Dementor. Orcas use teamwork and complex communication skills to hunt and the same cunning to protect their young. The snake got its name supposedly due to the distinctive, shiny black interior of its mouth, but ironically the Black Mamba's mouth is not really black - the color comes from its inky-looking venom.