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2005 937,818 2003 66,500 Nonetheless, major leaders associated with The Gathering such as the late Charles Colson led aggressive efforts to build co-belligerant working relationships between Protestant evangelical and Catholic groups. Why? Like Luis Palau, Ed Silvoso has also targeted a chosen liberal, gay-friendly enclave, San Francisco. 2002 $5,000 2010 1,000 [I]t is not surprising that Whitehead goes to great lengths to deny that he is a Reconstructionist. 2012 20,000. Among his other roles, Cromartie serves on the advisory board of an evangelical coalition called the Cornwall Alliance that opposes action to address climate change, depicting concern over global warming as part of a vast satanic conspiracy referred to as the green dragon. Not even animals can avoid the fiery passion of mans sexual lust. (see: ( see: ), 2001 0 Ware is co-author, with Young Earth creationist Ken Ham, of the 2007 book Darwins Plantation: Evolutions Racist Roots which on page 168 states, The homosexual agenda is extending its tentacles throughout the United States culture via media, entertainment, education, and the political system.. patterns of culture. 2006 26,600 20:13, Rom. There is no scientific evidence to support this claim., It also cites long-debunked research: In a study of the median age of death for heterosexuals and homosexuals, less than 2 per cent of homosexuals survived to age 65.. Christian and Missionary Alliance leaders have played a significant role in organizing and inspiring Ugandan religious and political leaders in the vanguard of Ugandas anti-LGBT crusade, through their organization of the Atlanta-area based international College of Prayer. 2006 65,050 As reported in Kenyan media (see: ) on July 6, 2015 Ruto declared, in a speech at the Ziwani Church, The other day you heard that in America the court has ruled about homosexuality but in this country we will defend what is right and what our faith states., Ruto continued, God did not create man and woman for a man to come and marry another man. In many parts of the world, intersex people suffer from irreversible, harmful, and medically unnecessary medical interventions, often without fully informed consent. 2005 51,000 10. Theocratic libertarianism has become a foundational philosophy for some of the Religious Right, but it is also surprisingly seductive to Tea Partiers and young people, some of whom may not fully understand what is supposed to happen after the federal government is stripped of its regulatory powers. (see: The Disciple Nations Alliance teaches Biblical worldview seminars to developing world leaders. Dr. Steven F. Hotze learned this in Houston. Robertsons seemingly endless propagation of anti-gay tropes includes suggestions that homosexuality is caused by sexual molestation (see: 2007 7,960 2009 4,000 The Fall resulted in Gods curse on creation and in destructive patterns of thought, culture, and 2011 106,250 Box 22429, Robinsdale, MN 55422-0429 (, To give special status or rights to those choosing the personally and socially destructive homosexual lifestyle is to approve and endorse that behavior, and inevitably to spread it. We did not eat up to four days a week sometimes. This church runs a local Celebrate Recovery program a national addiction recovery program launched from The Saddleback Church of frequent speaker The Gathering speaker Rick Warren who has been noted for his encouragement of anti-LGBT animosity in Africa and, specifically, Uganda. American Center For Law and Justice 2010 8,800 2011 7,000 political freedom. 2007 192,000 That program was, and remains, the foundation and core of Compassion. As Katherine Stewarts book The Good News Club describes, Child Evangelism Fellowship promotes a fundamentalist, Christian nationalist, supremacist form of Christianity suffused with anti-LGBT hostility. 2007 30,000 As the Southern Poverty Law Center puts it, Paul Cameron is an infamous anti-gay propagandist whose one-man statistical chop shop, the Family Research Institute, churns out hate literature masquerading as legitimate science. By: Naomi Leak Categories: Child Sponsorship, Youth Development. 2007 10,000 In 2013, PJI issued a baseless press release with misinformation claiming that at a Colorado public school a teenage boy was entering girls bathrooms and, according to some students, even making sexually harassing comments toward girls he was encountering. 2012 507,372 Exodus International 2009 4,032,927 2010 1,818,940 There was a sense of life and hope. Phillips referred to R.J. Rushdoony as his spiritual mentor. 2013 60,050, California School Project (EIN 20-3226605). According to critic Tom Barry, writing for Counterpunch, E&PPC helped forge a working alliance between secular neoconservatives, Christian conservatives, and the broader religious right. 2008 69,640 In a May 27, 2010 AFA column (see: Fischer wrote, Homosexuality gave us Adolph Hitler, and homosexuals in the military gave us the Brown Shirts, the Nazi war machine and six million dead Jews. New Hope Charitable Foundation 3. Compassion coordinates every aspect of the trip, including travel, meals, tips and gratuities, fees related to the travel, and sightseeing fares. 2011 306,000 2008 521,098 2006 0 2001 0 2010 16,750 Focus on The Family currently provides three publications concerning the issue of homosexuality. 2011 9,350 On page 172, Ware and Ham wonder how same-sex marriage will not lead to legalized bestiality: If homosexual relationships are legitimized based upon personal desires, where does society draw the line with other deviant and destructive behaviors that some find despicable? within a given culture. We've discovered that changed circumstances rarely change people's lives, while changed people inevitably change their circumstances. (see:, William P. Mumma, President of the Becket Fund, serves on the ARFP advisory board (see:, 2001 25,000 In That None Should Perish, Silvoso describes how his revolutionary technique of prayer evangelism can drive from even the darkest satanic redoubts the forces of evil: Let us choose what could well be the darkest spiritual place in America: the San Francsico Bay Area. Our commitment to stewardship has not changed even though the calculations of Charity Navigator have undergone revisions. 2007 5,000 Cameron dresses up his studies with copious footnotes, graphs and charts, and then pays to publish them in certain journals. ( ), 2006 12,000 2006 5,021 2012 57,500. 2008 2,423 Based on research, the Love Won Out campaign appears to have been planned by a working group that included Herbert Schlossberg and Don Schmierer, who co-led a presentation at The Gathering 1997 on how to combat organized homosexuality. 2012 84,628 2009 5,000 2006 50,400 2013 4,202,156. PDF Nursing Advocacy for LGBTQ+ Populations - American Nurses Association But a search on the same website for the term same-sex leads to this: After two years of being a part of this support group, my struggles with same-sex attraction subsided. 2004 20,000 2009 0 Shocked by rising crime, teen pregnancy, and divorce throughout the 1970s and 1980s, top leaders of the emergent Christian right, such as Bill Bright, had turned to the radical solutions outlined by the overtly theocratic Christian Reconstructionism movement. 2001 7,600 But even if it isnt, anyone can choose to refrain from homosexual (or heterosexual) sexual practices. 2013 89,500, Florida Family Policy Council (EIN 53-2436800). 2010 5,000 2011 10,000 2007 34,400 2012 114,610, Regeneration Ministries/Regeneration, Inc. (EIN 52-1244128). 2008 3,500 Schlossbergs ministry, the NCF-funded His Servants, sells a line of ex-gay reparative therapy books translated into multiple languages including Russian, Ukrainian, Chinese, and Hindi. 2010 1,414,525 2012 4,000 2010 8,000 How does Compassion choose which countries to work in? 2002 76,500 2009 3,000 2005 136,600 ( Trinity Academy, no EIN given ) Christian Union promotes the leadership and the demon-obsessed doctrines of the New Apostolic Reformation, including the practice of exorcism, and has held conferences promoting some of the most extreme ex-gay ministries in America such as Ellel Ministries USA, and some of the most extreme leaders such as Che Ahn, who now heads the NARs Wagner Leadership Institute (WLI). 2007 0 Their hero, Mao Tse Tung, is estimated to have murdered upwards of 60 million people during his reign of terror in China. In South America, Compassion works in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. It was organized to counteract the radical movement on campus. God freely forgives those who repent of a godless lifestyle including materialism, adultery, prostitution or any homosexual or heterosexual sin, If you or a loved-one want help escaping from the gay misery, help is available from dozens of ex gay Christian ministries around the country. 2011 3,172,300 Up into 2014, the ADF offered a book as a complementary gift to ADF donors, that was co-authored by ADF founder and president Alan Sears and which claimed that [homosexual] activists have followed a strategy akin to what Hitler used back in the 1920s and 1930s to take over Germany. 2012 313,100 (Bethel Church, no EIN provided) Self-Compassion as a Protective Factor Against Minority Stress for LGBT World religions have done the same with the systematic indoctrination of their youngeven the Taliban places great emphasis on recruiting children. 2006 6,400 2003 37,000 2007 1,390,833 The Florida Family Policy Council resource page (see: on gay marriage links to an extensive list of opinion pieces by authors such as Maggie Gallagher of the National Association for Marriage, Peter Sprigg of the Family Research Council, and the Southern Baptist Conventions Al Mohler, who in an article titled Can Animals Be Gay makes the following case: those pushing for the normalization of homosexuality want to be able to point to research that would prove the normality of homosexuality in nature. Summit Ministries Citizens For Community Values was a top financial sponsor of the wave of 2004 state ballot amendments banning same-sex marriage. 2010 32,000 One of the professed co-authors of the Uganda Anti Homosexuality Bill, Ugandan evangelist Julius Oyet, runs a Kampala, Uganda Healing Rooms Ministries franchise. 2009 64,800 Sozo is an exciting and growing prayer ministry that was birthed out of Bethel Church in Redding, California, helping people to receive salvation, healing and deliverance. Compassion's criteria for opening a new country include: Compassion is distinct from other organizations because we are: On June 1, 2016, Charity Navigator introduced a revised method of calculation for the charities they review. At a key 1994 conference held at the Glenn Eyrie headquarters of The Navigators (also funded by NCF), Eldredge, then serving as Focus On The Familys Director of Seminars and Research, emphasized the need to wrap an underlying eliminationist agenda in layers of PR: To the extent we can control our public image, we must never appear to be bigoted or mean-spirited. Reese publicity for the book has included distributing a photo of Reese standing alongside former National Fellowship of Born Again Pentecostal Churches overseer Alex Mitala, who is holding Reese book. But Daly is in fact the President and CEO of Citizenlink (formerly called Focus on the Family Action), FoFs 501(c)(4) lobbying and political action wing which gives several million dollars a year to fund the constellation of family policy organizations that promote the evangelical rights social policy agenda at the state level including bills such as Kansas House Bill 2453 (note: HB 2453 was the creation of the Ethics and Public Policy Center see E&PPC section.). States Burns, Celebrating Gods Design is a unique new curriculum series that takes a balanced and biblical look at important youth issues including gender confusion, tolerance, and challenging family dynamics., 2001 156,000 2011 300 The likely content of Ventrellas speech at the session can be inferred from a June 18, 2010 talk Ventrella gave at the ministry of (NCF-funded) TruthXchange, during which Ventrella approvingly quoted TruthXchange head Dr. Peter Jones (whom Ventrella referred to as a friend), Whether Christians realize it or not, we are part of a human history that is destined for confrontation and conflict with pagan spirituality and that spirituality is driven, in our times, by a militant homosexual agenda. (see: