This conservation focus must be a key component for institutions that want to be accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, a nonprofit organization that sets standards and policies for facilities in the United States and 12 other countries. These tours often pretend to talk about their animals natural habitat and inclinations. Some of the captive-born animals are not capable of sustaining themselves in the wild and they could pass on these genes dooming the whole species in that region. But the law excludes protection for birds, rats and mice, farmed animals and "cold-blooded" animals such as reptiles, amphibians and fish. Animal Legal Defense Fund,National Headquarters Animals are not able to bear living in small, unsuited environments. However, that does not stop the silent damage that captivity delivers to such roaming animal species. They are just some of the millions of wild animals living in captivity across the United States. Eventually, the only animals on display would be a few ancient holdovers from the old menageries, animals in active conservation breeding programs and perhaps a few rescues. Is Keeping Wild Animals In Zoos Unethical?: Arguments For - WorldAtlas Zookeepers also often may neglect their healthcare needs. A largely unregulated trend is the hybrid breeding of wild cats with house cats, with predictably disastrous consequences. Wed like to hear what you think about this or any of our articles. WHY ANIMALS SHOULD NOT BE KEPT IN CAPTIVITY By "Phillip" Hungry, depressed, and unable to connect. They are removed from their natural habitats and confined to small limited spaces and often forced to perform tricks or entertain visitors. Slow animals with minimal to zero predators such as elephants have brief life spans in captivity. Grizzly Bear vs Black Bear: Whats the Difference. The daily stress and lack of stimulation often leads to abnormal and self-destructive behaviour - for example, pacing, walking in tight circles, rocking, swaying, or self-mutilation - a condition known as "zoochosis". Once an animal has served its purpose, many zoos will either sell them or euthanize them. Things like ensuring animals arent caged and treated less than they deserve. For example, the typical enclosure designed for a polar bear is about a million times smaller than its natural roaming grounds. Mr. Hagenbecks model was widely influential. People may behave eco-friendlier after going to the zoo. Unfortunately using real animals for these purposes involves tremendous cruelty. There is an undeniable thrill, seeing animals in zoos, circuses, movies, television shows, and amusement parks. Zoo keepers are often trained and specialize in a particular breed or species. In this article, we will take a look at why zoos teach children the wrong lesson about captive animals. Also, removing a certain species from the ecosystem can destroy the whole ecosystem. The ESA outlines procedures for federal agencies to follow regarding listed species, as well as criminal and civil penalties for violations. There are a great many negative effects of zoos on animals.When we visit zoos, we can see they often go to great lengths in order to recreate the animals natural habitats. There are a few exceptions. Yes And Someone is Paying Attention, Swimming with The Seahorse: Discover Their Mystical Charisma. Captive Animals - Animal Legal Defense Fund Wrong! Roadside zoos dot the American landscape. There are 39 animal species currently listed by the IUCN as Extinct in the Wild. We have good models of captive wild animal protection laws outside of this country as well. Some zoo animals try to escape. But whether recent events have triggered a profound shift in public consciousness is harder to quantify. But the law excludes protection for birds, rats and mice, farmed animals and cold-blooded animals such as reptiles, amphibians and fish. As a result, many zoos breed animals. Many zoos will then resort to drugging animals in order to keep them docile and normal for the pleasure of the viewing public. Lack of Sufficient Space No matter how dedicated a zoo is, it can't meet the space requirements for most of its animals. Zoos provide opportunities for nice family trips. Just as we humans are free to do whatever we want so long as we follow the law, then it shouldn't be different for animals. For them, the best option is to fight back. Pro and Con: Zoos | Britannica Its protections are minimal as well. (707) 795-2533 | And this is not a definite number of victims; there is probably a good number that hasnt been documented. Non-native animals are held in conditions that vary greatly from what they are used to living in. But few federal laws protect these animals, who may be forced to perform or kept confined in small cages with little to keep their minds occupied and bodies well. The other argument zoos commonly make is that they educate the public about animals and develop in people a conservation ethic. When it rains, the topsoil gets washed away leaving the land more exposed. Copyright 2023 The Science Times. What Is The Hunters Role in Wildlife Conservation? A peer-reviewed 2017 study in the . Tigers and lions have around 18,000 times less space in zoos than they would in the wild. Healthy animals in zoos are killed because they are not needed. Step away from the selfie stick. You can see exotic animals without the need for traveling. We use cookies to help ensure the best experience on our website. Zookeepers are not mustache-twirling villains. Mr. Hribal documented many stories of elephants making a run for it in one case repairing to a nearby woods with a pond for a mud bath. The confined living areas are a big contributor to animal stress and lack of physical stimulation like would be gained from a nice sprint. When it works out, breeding endangered animals has positive results that can be felt even in the human kingdom. Can captive animals ever truly return to the wild? | BBC Earth Zoo owners go to great lengths to build enclosures that have a wild aesthetic and give paying visitors a taste of the wild world. Zoos protect against a species going extinct. The Enigmatic Wombats: Surprising Facts and Myths Debunked. The real question is, how can we change things? A criticism is that protections are less robust for species that are economically valuable, and that CITES is not as transparent in its decision-making or enforcement as would be ideal. Having seen a majestic leopard in the zoo, the visitor becomes more willing to pay for its conservation or vote for policies that will preserve it in the wild. The ongoing extinction crises shows that zoos are needed - even for common species. Others are captured from their native habitats, or come from backyard breeders or the black market. Should Animals Be Kept in Zoos? | KQED Education Ms. Marris is an environmental writer and the author of the forthcoming book Wild Souls: Freedom and Flourishing in the Non-Human World.. However, when the animals being culled arent in demand, they might find themselves facing death. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. While researching my book on the ethics of human interactions with wild species, Wild Souls, I examined how, exactly, zoos contribute to the conservation of wild animals. Dimming Lights: Are Fireflies Endangered? See Related: How Similar is Human DNA to Other Animals. Keep on reading. Here they are relatively safe . Many zoo animals are forcefully removed from their natural habitat. They are contained in small spaces, often made docile through drugs and other medications, and slowly strip away all autonomy and freedom from all animals. Meanwhile, small changes at the officemight be one good way to cut significant emissions, writes Carlos Gamarra. Severe arthritis and foot infections are common in captive elephants due to standing on hard, unnatural surfaces all day without room to roam. But that incident has triggered conversations on the negative impacts of marine parks and aquariums on wild animals. Some are in aquariums, circuses, theme parks and zoos, others live caged at private homes. When factoring in the number of zoos breeding animals and the risk posed to baby animals, the change of disease skyrockets further. But relatively early in their evolution, a German exotic animal importer named Carl Hagenbeck changed the way wild animals were exhibited. A.Z.A. This could cause problems for the animal. In the 1980s, a group of orangutans escaped several times at the San Diego Zoo. The A.Z.A.s policies allow for the euthanasia of animals, but the president of the association, Dan Ashe, told me, its very rarely employed by his member institutions. Zoos are expensive to run, often have a very tight budget, and cannot afford to maintain and support animals that do not pull their weight in terms of attraction. Look out for the GFAS seal of approval. When theres a surplus, you can just have a plant sale. Reasons Why Animals Should not Be Kept in Zoos - GradesFixer And heres our email: A species protected in captivity provides a reservoir population against a population crash or extinction in the wild. And it is true that the territory size of an animal like a wolf depends greatly on the density of resources and other wolves. Early in the pandemic, the Neumunster Zoo in northern Germany coolly announced an emergency plan to cope with lost revenue by feeding some animals to other animals, compressing the food chain at the zoo like an accordion, until in the worst-case scenario, only Vitus, a polar bear, would be left standing. As a late Gen-Xer-cum-early-Millenial, my childhood was rich with trips to visit zoos. This is particularly true if the animal is there for entertainment. Another serious problem is that the chronically-understaffed USDA conducts inspections infrequently. This is how animals get physical and psychological scars from abuse. Cleaners and feeders spend a lot of time with the animals, and understanding the situation one is getting into can be very helpful. Sanctuaries occupy a "gray area," says Tanya Espinosa, a . Even though they might be getting enough food, if your animals are not okay mentally they might still not live to their full potential. The sale of excess animals to traveling roadside zoos is another big problem. Animals in the wild are naturally shy to humans. Below are a dozen reasons why zoos can be bad for animals: 1. Unfortunately, this is done under the guise of conservation and to protect endangered species. Wild dolphins swim up to 40 miles day with the other members of their pod, while captive dolphins are forced to swim in tiny pools with unfamiliar dolphins day after day. The polar bears in Winnipeg have disco poo. According toAnimal Behavior: Resources for Applied Ethology, fleeing or running away is the most popular reaction of animals towards humans. Captive animals are forced to spend their lives swimming endlessly and aimlessly instead of traveling up to 100 miles a day at fast speeds in the wild. Why Are Puppy Mills Bad: The Numerous Reasons Why They Must Be Stopped And How You, yes you, Can Help! "Only 15% of the thousands of species held in zoos are considered 'threatened'," says Will Travers OBE, president of Born Free. Should Animals Be Kept in Zoos? | The Minimalist Vegan He also found many examples of zoo elephants hurting or killing their keepers and evidence that zoos routinely downplayed or even lied about those incidents. In contrast, those nesting animals or cornered ones will try to defend themselves if being approached to protect their young. The truth is there is a vast difference between genuine conservation efforts and endangered species protection and running a zoo. One of the best examples of this advantage is the Przewalski's horse. An increase in the populations of herbivorous animals such as deer and buffalos isnt a good thing, especially not for the vegetation and ground cover. Little Joe, a gorilla, escaped from the Franklin Park Zoo in Boston twice in 2003. And Steve Irwin's Australia Zoo has an on-site Wildlife Hospital to save sick and injured native species. Sign up for our free newsletter for the Latest coverage! For many wild animals, this is a vital part of their life, and they can struggle to redefine their footing. Should zoos exist essay: Should Zoos Still Exist or Not? The Arguments Thousands of animals are captured and put in zoos and aquariums for tourist attractions every year. Tigers, lions, elephants, bears and nonhuman primates are all included in this law. Anyone can read what you share. Some 5,800 species of animals are covered by the treaty (along with 30,000 species of plants). Students and the general public get a chance to learn about different species of animals. When it comes to lethal force and animal welfare, at least, public opinion swiftly sides against zoos. Zoos often have insufficient knowledge of animals. 1. The incident in Miami Seaquarium is proof that animals do not belong in captivity. Wildlife experts said that the incident was just another proof that wild animals should not be kept captive because it would not happen had the dolphin was only in the wild. A study by Bristol University found that many British zoos fail to provide animals with the required minimum standard of care. What if zoos stopped breeding all their animals, with the possible exception of any endangered species with a real chance of being released back into the wild? 32 Important Pros & Cons Of Zoos - E&C An example of these associations is the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) which represents over 240 businesses across the globe. Children leave most zoos with a misconception about how animals behave in the wild and what it takes to truly care for endangered animals. But this is not the norm. See Related: Best Wildlife Conservation Jobs. Things to Know. See Related: Endangered Species in California. They argue that no animal should be forced to spend their life in an unnatural environment and perform. Bears and cats pace. This may be true to some extent; however, many zoos are running breeding programs for their own benefit and have no interest in releasing their animals back into the wild. Instead, they will hire generalists with a degree of knowledge specificity and run with that. This is only one of the Acts limitations. Tatiana the tiger, kept in the San Francisco Zoo, snapped one day in 2007 after three teenage boys had been taunting her. Animals are often bored and, as a result, some become aggressive and can lash out at other animals or zookeepers. BBC - Ethics - Animal ethics: Animals for entertainment Giant Insect From Jurassic Era Found in Walmart Opens Deeper Ecological Questions, 3,500-Year-old Perfectly Preserved, Mummified Bear Might Lead to 'Breakthrough in Ancient Animal Study', Presumed Extinct Funji-eating Fairy Lantern Plant Found Emerging Again in Japan, How Did Missing Argentinian Man's Remains Get Into a Shark's Stomach? Important to protect endangered species from extinction. Why zoos are good | Zoology | The Guardian If one could simply stop urging and encouraging zoos then maybe someday animals get to live in the free wild as they please. Many zoos claim to be helping preserve dwindling populations. RELATED ARTICLE: Dolphin Attacks Trainer in Front of Horrified Families in Miami Seaquarium: How Often Do These Sea Creatures Attack Humans? However, they are really just teaching children about caring for animals in captivity. The Times is committed to publishing a diversity of letters to the editor. That's how animals living in captivity feel. What could these zoos do with it, besides enlarging enclosures? Sanctuaries promise to take in and care for any animals that have been abused, neglected, or abandoned and to keep them for life. Personally speaking, Ive been to zoos in Sydney, Australia, and all over the UK. Power-mad men from Henry III to Saddam Husseins son Uday to the drug kingpin Pablo Escobar to Charlemagne all tried to underscore their strength by keeping terrifying beasts captive. Pros and cons of zoos: Should animals be kept in zoos? Carl Hegenbeck, a German exotic animal importer, introduced the modern model of more natural habitats for animals instead of obvious cages at his Animal Park in Hamburg in 1907. They go for the same reason people went to zoos in the 19th century: to be entertained. Their natural habitat extends far beyond anything captivity zoos could provide. Captive tigers pace back and forth, and in a 2014 study, researchers found that the time devoted to pacing by a species in captivity is best predicted by the daily distances traveled in nature by the wild specimens. It is almost as if they feel driven to patrol their territory, to hunt, to move, to walk a certain number of steps, as if they have a Fitbit in their brains. Copyright 2015-2021 National Geographic Partners, LLC. Protect animals by boycotting roadside zoos. Once again, a change of this magnitude can cause captive animals to exhibit changing behaviors, which include self-destructive acts and unrelenting restlessness. The forerunners of the modern zoo, open to the public and grounded in science, took shape in the 19th century. Orcas don't do well in captivity. Here's why. - Animals Before anyone starts sprinkling the stuff on their cornflakes, this isn't the hottest new beauty trend nor is it a natural phenomenon: Assiniboine Park Zoo's keepers use coloured glitter in the bears' feed to identify their droppings. All rights reserved. Apes are known for picking locks and keeping a beady eye on their captors, waiting for the day someone forgets to lock the door. A fine day out with the family might itself be justification enough for the existence of zoos if the zoo animals are all happy to be there. Throughout history, men have accumulated large and fierce animals to advertise their might and prestige. It gets even worse for the animal if the trainer is impatient, the poor beast will have to endure beatings over commands they dont understand. This is the image of the zoo I grew up with: the unambiguously good civic institution that lovingly cared for animals both on its grounds and, somehow, vaguely, in their wild habitats. It is impossible to read these stories without concluding that these animals wanted out. Copyrights 2023. They could either bite, peck, scratch, kick, or flap their wings. There have also been reported cases of zoos not properly disposing of dead bodies when animals die on their premises. Many zoos fail to provide the required minimum standard of care, Zoos dont replicate animals natural habitats, Zoos teach people that animal captivity is acceptable, Animal protection laws are not strong enough, Many visitors disturb and disrespect the animals, Zoo animals are often drugged to be kept calm. A few zoos are famous for their conservation work. Gus, a polar bear at the Central Park Zoo, was given Prozac as part of an attempt to stop him from swimming endless figure-eight laps in his tiny pool. ALSO READ: Man in Uganda Beats Lion With Bare Hands In Bloody Battle Before Feasting on the Beast for Dinner. In one escape, they worked together: One held a mop handle steady while her sister climbed it to freedom. In a 2011 study, researchers quizzed visitors at the Cleveland, Bronx, Prospect Park and Central Park zoos about their level of environmental concern and what they thought about the animals. Most states have no laws governing captive wild animals. Most people visit the zoo to see the big draw animals. Elephants arent the only species that try to flee a zoo life. Read more: Should I worry about chemtrails? Elephants bob their heads over and over. The allure of baby animals and the crowds they pull can lead a zoological garden director to increase them to keep attracting customers. All things considered, animals should not be kept in zoos or aquariums. Black-footed ferrets and red wolves in the United States and golden lion tamarins in Brazil all endangered, as well have been bred at zoos for reintroduction into the wild. Visiting a zoo is a chance for many people to see exotic animals they would otherwise be unable to see. When confined they rock, pull their hair and engage in other tics. Animal rights activists argue that hunting, capturing, and putting animals on display is unethical. According to an article inPlant Based News, marine parks and aquariums are a billion-dollar industry that exists to entertain the public by catching fish and sea mammals from the wild and using them as live exhibits. However, few people stop and actively consider why zoos are bad. Though the zoos business has grown from what it was over a century ago, there are still some things that can be improved. For example, if the number of lions is drastically reduced in an area, their prey will thrive. Welfare of Wild Animals in Captivity | RSPCA When zoos find themselves with surplus animals, they need to find ways to reduce their numbers. (The culling of mammals specifically in E.A.Z.A. I dont see any problem with holding animals for display, Mr. Ashe told me. What if they sent all the animals that need really large areas or lots of freedom and socialization to refuges? 2021 All rights reserved. The A.Z.A. Are Zoos Ethical? Arguments for and Against Zoos - Treehugger Private Possession: Many wild animals may be kept captive in private homes as pets. Another time, one of the orangutans, Kumang, learned how to use sticks to ground the current in the electrical wire around her enclosure. But many animals clearly show us that they do not enjoy captivity. This isnt always guaranteed since the breeding practices could be insufficient or even produce animals that are not suitable for survival in the wild. Top 50 Most Good-looking Nationalities: AI Shows Beautiful People From Different Countries; How Does Science Measure Beauty, Attractiveness? Animals are removed from their natural habitats. Keeping endangered animals in zoos infringes on those individuals' rights to freedom. Polar bears have one million times less space., Photographs by Peter Fisher for The New York Times. Why Animals Should Not Be Kept in Captivity: The Problem With Wildlife