At least for UCAN, a good protocol is 2 servings 45-60 minutes before your run then a serving every hour across the run. It seems that marathon fueling is so individual that it simply takes lots of trial and error in training and tune-up races to find the strategy that works best for you. Consult the. Flat rate shipping of $12.45 Australia wide and $30 New Zealand wide. LEARN MORE ABOUT RECOVERY NUTRITION FOR RUNNERS. and college teams rely on UCAN to be at their best. Everyones body is unique and can handle different types and amounts of food before a workout. In the Combo Strategy, you use the slow-acting method (Strategy #2) for the bulk of the race but then add fast-acting carbohydrates (Strategy #1) in the last 30-45 minutes of the race. It was a part of my routine in the NFL, during my recovery, and I use it daily. That said, I find this strategy to virtually cure issues with the spike/crash and GI upset in the marathon and highly recommend you give it a try. I've switched to SIS gels for in race. As you know, I give you my honest feedback on all products. My hope with this section is to provide some insights into the common fueling methods so you can experiment to see what works for you. Refunds Privacy Policy Terms of Service, Empowering You to Run a Marathon and Change Your Life. Before discovering Maurten, I always had the UCAN Energy Powder 30 minutes before the race. Required fields are marked *. Running Articles and Videos, Find Your Running Training Plan Then once that is dialed in, try it in a tune up race. So, the next dose was designed to catch the blood glucose before it fell too low (you often hear this as a sugar crash). And, these products are often the type provided by races on the course (and race websites will let you know the drinks/gels that will be on the course). Drink formulations centered around fast absorbing carbohydrates that emptied from the stomach quickly, got absorbed from the intestines quickly and thus boosted blood glucose levels quickly (and provided some electrolytes as well). Electrolytes are especially important if the weather is hot and/or humid and/or if you are a heavy sweater or a salty sweater. Runners often skip fueling because they cant figure out when to eat or what to eat in order to feel good throughout a workout. For example, a runner might use UCAN or another slow-acting carbohydrate for the bulk of the race but then supplement with a fast-acting gel or sports drink in the last 30-45 minutes for the sugar high. Some runners even choose a caffeinated fast-acting carbohydrate source for an even bigger mental boost. For me, Ucan bars deliver taste (notably chocolate), a powerful fix of fuel and ingredients I feel comfortable with. Listen the podcast bellow! Some may not consider fat a nutritional value but being able to burn fat makes it worthwhile. I, myself, made the switch to this strategy a few years ago and found it to easily overcome the issues I had with the spike/crash and GI upset in marathons (from using Strategy #1). I have to admit I don't use anything and maybe i'd get my sub 2:50:00 if I experimented more. I wanted to thank you both from the bottom of my heart for starting the Academy and online community. The vast majority of your training sessions will be done far below race pace, which means you will be burning fewer calories. Avoid the highs and lows of sugar-based fuels with our slow-releasing SuperStarch ! Ready to try it?? This rise and fall (or commonly called the spike and crash) cycle would be interrupted by the regular dump of glucose into the blood stream so that the blood glucose level would remain at optimal levels. I was quickly struck by how the nutritional value overwhelmingly pointed to Ucan as a better option. If you see or feel salt on your body or clothes after exercise, this can be an indication you are a salty sweater. Check out the Energy Lab blog for recipes, podcasts and posts that will help you optimize your training and nutrition! There is a growing collection of products where the carbohydrate source is more slowly absorbed and therefore the blood glucose remains stable. Consuming 2 servings of UCAN pre-race will allow you to go longer before needing to re-fuel. For at least 15 hours after the earthquake, nine out of the facility's 12 emissions monitors read as "invalid," "questionable," or "missing," according to the refinery's online . Since this process takes time and requires lots of water, it means fluids can slosh around in the stomach for a while, potentially causing problems.. Strategy #1) Fast Acting Carbohydrates The Traditional Strategy. I'd be interested to try Maurten someday. The fueling begins 15-30 minutes before the race start. Join us as we tag along with her for a workout. This is especially important during a marathon when you want to be able to access carbohydrates as quickly as possible. It's been a game changer for my energy and recovery. These are good starting points as you begin your experiment to find the best fueling strategy for your next marathon. All Rights Reserved. To illustrate just how universal marathon fueling has become, here are the race weekend eating habits of runners from five countries: Australia, Finland, Wales, Venezuela, and the United. You have steady energy for the bulk of the race and avoid the GI issues found with the fast-acting carbohydrates but then get the big energy burst in the home stretch. 2023 Marathon Training Academy. And this should be the biggest take away. Electrolyte needs are very individualized but a good starting point is to consume 500 to 1000mg of sodium per hour during exercise. Drink a 2nd serving of UCAN around 15km and a 3rd serving around Mile 25. Disclaimer: These products work well for me, but each runner has unique needs. So, runners learned that we need to fuel during the marathon and this research coincided with the boom in the sports drinks industry. Were going to answer all those questions and more in this article. I had GI issues from time to time, and wanted something that would give me a boost without side stitches or other dilemmas. Tailwind is a popular option. Sign up for our newsletter for all the latest news and offers. UCAN's breakthrough complex carbohydrate, LIVSTEADY, delivers consistent energy without the unhealthy, jittery blast you get from caffeine and sugar-laden products. Before longer or low-intensity training sessions, it is acceptable to consume more fat and protein in your diet. No matter what the distance (5K-Marathon) I drink the Maurten Drink Mix 160 starting 3 hours before the race. It has been a game changer for me in terms of recovery. When it comes to marathon training, most runners focus on the running itself but fail to also focus on the fuel that your body needs to perform and recover. UCANs breakthrough complex carbohydrate, LIVSTEADYTM, delivers consistent energy and helps maintain stable blood sugar. The flavors Hammers apple cinnamon was my favorite did make them palatable, if nothing else. Earlier this summer, I started sampling Generation Ucans energy bars. First, youll plug your numbers into our Marathon Nutrition Calculator. Edge won't give you a sugar rush like a typical energy gel, and you don't need to chase it with water to digest it. The number revealed by the Marathon Nutrition Calculator is more than just a number you cannot fuel your marathon with equal amounts of chocolate cake, sports gels, or broccoli and expect the same result.Not all calories are created equal when it comes to marathon nutrition and fueling your training session. Hey MTA! You can concentrate the Energy Powder with 4-6 oz. These are some other factors to think about for your marathon race day and fuel during a marathon. That said, no coach will recommend running a marathon at marathon pace prior to the marathon. Load up with multiple servings of UCAN pre-workout if youre training for over 90 minutes and want a longer burn of energy. Half marathon nutrition and fueling for a marathon actually starts long before the marathon. Ask 100 marathoners how they fuel and youll get 100 different answers. Dathan Ritzenhein's Marathon Fueling Journey Dathan Ritzenhein details his struggles with "The Wall" and how the steady energy of UCAN helps him get the best out of himself in training and racing. But if you start fading near the end of your workout, you might need a little bit more fuel onboard. If youre taking in sugary sports nutrition, do it later in the workout. I'm sure if I spent the money and experimented I could learn more though. Marathon Fueling Strategy One of the most important marathon tips I can give you is to make sure you know what to eat during a marathon that will work for you. We talk about the differences between fueling for. Knowing where your caffeine comes from is important and knowing the affects it can have on you are important. The higher your absorption, the more quickly you can access the 30+ grams of carbohydrates from a gel. If you feel your stomach starting to turn, switch to drinking water until your stomach resettles, and then go back to electrolyte mix. One scoop provides 21g of carbs and 380mg of sodium. Stations | Hydrogen Fuel Cell Partnership There are lots of sports products out there such as gels, chews, and sports beverages that contain an ideal amount of carbohydrates (for fuel) as well as provide some electrolytes (such as sodium and potassium). Then once you have it dialed in on a long run, try it in a goal pace workout and see if it works in a more intense situation. What is LIVSTEADY Trusted by the Best. It does contain erythritol as a sweetener, so be sure to know how that effects your digestive system. A one hour 10 minute PR huge icing on the cake that I can eat now that I have burned all of those calories! Energy bars. The calculator suggests that you consume roughly 25% of your burned calories during the marathon. It wasnt until earlier this summer that I took a closer look at what I was taking for endurance fuel and how a handful of those options affected my gut and performance. Eating during a marathon is the definition of easier said than done. What are you supposed to eat, how much, how often, and what about water versus electrolytes? I was so excited when the Edge gels came out but they were a flop for me. I like UCAN energy before races. Youll also want to decrease your fat intake such as cheese, ice cream, fatty meat, avocado, nuts, and seeds as these foods take longer for the stomach to digest and therefore may cause GI issues. But after all, I am not using these for a flavorful sensation. Please note that affiliate links {such as Amazon} may pop up on RTTF from time to time. water or sports drink, Begin exercise in an adequately hydrated state, Drink a couple sips or gulps (approx. Thanks, Deena! Whether you have time for a whole morning meal or not,you should be fueling with 20-50 grams of carbohydrates 15-30 minutes before the race starts. Healthy, efficient calories for better hunger control. Once the race has started, your nutrition window or how often you eat or drink comes in 17-30 minutes increments. We are all individuals and respond differently to the foods we put in our body, so no article or expert can tell you what your perfect nutrition plan is right from the start, shares Seebohar. Theres no chewing required, and in a matter of seconds, you will have another 20-30 grams of carbohydrates flowing into your bloodstream. how this blueprint was created I think this is probably a good product (I tried it once) but the orange flavor contains erythritol, which is a sugar alcohol that upsets my stomach. Racing Stripes: UCAN vs. Maurten for Marathon Fueling Without the right marathon nutrition plan, your engine is running on empty, your body wont have the building blocks it needs to adapt, and you wont hit your goals. Heres the back-story: As you run the marathon, your gut gets dehydrated and blood is shunted away from it to the working muscles. HERE AT MTTIV WERE BIG FANS OF UCAN PRODUCTS: Get a 20% discount on Ucan products here (discount applied at checkout). You just get your carbohydrates once every hour and then just need to drink water and electrolytes in between. Your email address will not be published. In between servings, you hydrate with water and electrolytes. You have to consider what to eat as well as when and how often to eat (or drink) as well.