Which of the following statements about temperature changes on Mercury is correct? has its rotation axis perpendicular to the plane of its orbit) is: One way to measure how long Jupiter takes to rotate is to watch the giant storms in its atmosphere go around. Find the range of frequencies for UV-B radiation. Higher temperature -> shorter peak wavelength, -clear weather d. In the maria, regions of the Moon that are water filled seas Wavelength was shifted upward (frequency decreased). in its overall composition, the moon roughly resembles: d. Mercury takes 88 Earth years to orbit the Sun ASTM A47, Grade 32510 about half of the astronauts were trained scientists, all the astronauts were trained scientists. and swapping it with the last. silhouette against the full moon, standing on the prom-ontory. The four large moons of Jupiter were first discovered by: The largest satellite (moon) in the solar system is: The satellite which has the thickest atmosphere (so thick that it's quite a surprise for a satellite) is: What features are abundant on Callisto and Ganymede and almost absent on Europa and Io? In its overall composition the Moon roughly resembles-the Earth's crust and mantle - the Earth 's crust and mantle. d. the giant impact theory giant impacts in its early history may have torn away much of its original crust and mantle. The moon's gravity pulls at the Earth, causing predictable rises and falls in sea levels known as tides. Where has frozen water has been discovered on the Moon? Moon facts: Fun information about the Earth's moon | Space Scientists now understand that the Earth consists of layers, with the densest materials in the core. AST 180 Exam 2 Flashcards | Chegg.com apparent weight at the highest point were zero? Nam risus ante, iscing elit. At the bottom of all the craters we see on the side facing us The Rogowski coil, shown in Figure P31.16, simply clips around the wire. e. the element mercury, Where has frozen water has been discovered on the Moon? If no one has ever visited the core of the Earth, how do we know that it is made of metals? Missiles Rockets 8919 Un Se | PDF | Fuels | Hydrocarbons One region on Earth that has become a rich source of new meteorites in recent decades (including the meteorite from Mars that got famous because some scientists claimed they had found evidence for the building blocks of life on Mars) is: The Murchison meteorite that was found in Australia in 1969 is important to scientists because it contained. b. it is always cold all over Mercury, because the planet has no significant atmosphere a. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. These moons were likely formed elsewhere and captured by the giant planets. by counting the craters visible on the surface and comparing crater counts to other worlds. The first human being to step out onto the surface of another world was: a. The largest impact basin on Mercury (located on that part of the planet which is closest to the Sun at noon) is called: Which of the following statements about the rocks brought back from the Earth's Moon by the astronauts is TRUE? Which color star is likely to be the hottest? (credit: modification of work by NASA, ESA, H. Weaver (STScl), E. Smith (STScl)) 5. the difference in temperature between Mercury's daylight side and its night side is the greatest difference of any planet in the solar system. In its overall composition, the Moon roughly resembles: The average temperature on planet Earth is higher than you would expect just. Crust-mantle-core-inner core. Some years some meteor showers, such as the Leonids, feature many more meteors than at other times. the discovery of a buried crater (about 200 km across) near Chicxulub, Mexico, According to the theory of plate tectonics, slow motions within the mantle of the Earth move large sections of the crust around, The type of rock we find predominant in the crust of the Earth's continents is called. Which of the following statements about our Moon is FALSE? One reason that we have such a complex system of belts/zones/storms in Jupiter's atmosphere is that: By far the most abundant element in the giant (jovian) planets is: In regards to Neptune, what was a surprise to astronomers when they carefully examined Neptune with the Hubble Space Telescope in 1994? Explore over 16 million step-by-step answers from our library, ng elit. In its overall composition, the Moon roughly resembles: What is one important way in which both the Moon and Mercury are different from Earth? The same gas makes up most of the atmosphere of Mars and Venus. The large reservoir of comet nuclei in a spherical distribution far beyond Pluto, from which we believe new long-period comets come into the inner solar system, is called: If our estimates of the number of comets in every part of the solar system are correct, the total mass contained in comets must be: on the order of the mass of all the planets put together, The comet that broke into more than 20 pieces and then collided with Jupiter in 1994 was, Chunks of solid material that survive passing through the Earth's atmosphere and are found on the Earth's surface are called. Which of the following statements about the rocks brought back from the Earth's Moon by the astronauts is TRUE? b. the Moon was formed in the same area of space and at the same time as the Earth Roughly 4.5 billion years ago, a collision caused our planet to mushroom outward into a seething, spinning cloud of vaporised rock that. Which of the following statements about the seasons on Jupiter is correct? Which of the following is NOT something that was accomplished by the Apollo missions to the Moon? P,

sque dapibus efficitur laoreet. What discovery gives a big boost to this idea? Astronomers estimate that the plains of Venus are only about 500 to 600 million years old. Which of the following statements about Mercury's orbit is TRUE? -high altitude The inexplicable tempter with the eyeless face, THE RIGHT TOOL FOR THE JOB pulling its victim into the silvered surface under the Quite simply, forewarned is forearmed. OS_Astronomy_Multiple Choice_Chapter_09.docx - This file and its The world in the solar system that is most active volcanically is: The lakes found in the north polar region of Titan are filled with liquid. Which process requires more energy: completelyvaporizing 1 kg of saturated liquid water at 1 atm pressure orcompletely vaporizing 1 kg of saturated liquid water at 8 atmpressure? To a much smaller extent, tides also occur in lakes, the atmosphere and within Earth's. Explain. The most likely models of the planet Mercury indicate that more than half the planet may be composed of. CHAP 8 and 9 Flashcards | Quizlet e. Mercury always remains exactly the same distance from the Sun as it orbits, b. Mercury has the highest speed in its orbit of any planet, Why are almost all the craters we see on the Moon circular? (a)cos=(ej+ej),(b)sin=(eje(j), (c) cos=(1+cos2), (d) (sin)(sin)=cos(-)-cos(+), (e) sin(+)=sincos+cossin. Which of the following statements about our Moon is FALSE? . -more than 150 moons (b) Soil is the medium for plant growth. (PDF) Positive affects in lambs: appeasing effects of - academia.edu Currently it is 29.4 AU away from Earth with its light taking up to 4 hours to arrive to us. The composition is not well known, but it is estimated to consist of helium, neon, hydrogen (H 2 ), argon, neon, methane, ammonia, and carbon dioxide, with trace amounts of oxygen, aluminum, silicon, phosphorus, sodium, and magnesium ions. I want to examine the surface of a planet which is completely covered by a thick layer of clouds all the time. The first human being to step out onto the surface of another world was: 6. 2. Which of the following pieces of observational evidence does our modern "solar nebula" theory of the formation of the solar system NOT explain directly? Answer: 7.2 Composition and Structure of Planets - Astronomy 2e - OpenStax -8 planets the difference in temperature between Mercury's daylight side and its night side is the greatest difference of any planet in the solar system. An R-L series circuit is connected to a 60Hz,20860-\mathrm{Hz}, 20860Hz,208-volt power line. The comet passed . Solved Venus most closely resembles Earth because of its - Chegg Physicists Kelvin and Helmholtz in the last century proposed that the source of the Sun's energy could be: Astronomers now realize that active regions on the Sun are connected with, loops of magnetic field emerging from the surface of the Sun. A clamp-on ammeter indicates a current of 18 amperes. The planet that most resembles the Earth in size and internal composition is A.Mars B. Venus C. Mercury D. Jupiter E. the Moon; Question: The planet that most resembles the Earth in size and internal composition is A.Mars B. Venus C. Mercury D. Jupiter E. the Moon Show that the rms speed of a molecule in an ideal gas at absolute temperature T is given by, vrms=3kTmv _ { \mathrm { rms } } = \sqrt { \frac { 3 k T } { m } } Multiple Choice Q04 The lunar highlands are made mostly of rocks that Multiple Choice Q05 What makes astronomers think that impact rates for the Moon must have been higher earlier than 3.8 billion years ago? we have been able to send spacecraft to gather information about planets and moons up close. The selection-sort method repeatedly finds the smallest number in the current Inside the Moon | Inside & Out - Moon: NASA Science a. it is always hot everywhere on Mercury, because the planet is so close to the Sun PDF What We Have Learned about the Moon - NASA -temperature This is simil . Two stars have the same luminosity, but star B is three times farther away from us than star A. Saturn's ring particles are composed mainly of: How does Saturn's F ring stay so thin (narrow), when the other rings are so wide? Which of the following statements about the rocks brought back from the Earth's Moon by the astronauts is TRUE? Titan is bigger than Earth's moon, and larger than even the planet Mercury. (a) Soil is fairly static and does not change. The Moon rocks resemble Earth rocks in every detail, The Moon rocks are fundamentally different from Earth rocks, with materials never seen on Earth, The Moon rocks did not survive long enough in the Earth's oxygen-rich atmosphere for us to analyze them, The Moon rocks were puzzling, because they resemble rocks from the Earth's crust in many ways, but also have subtle differences, The Moon rocks resemble many of the main dishes in our college cafeteria. 5. the gravity of the comet nucleus holds on to the evaporated material, and it all eventually freezes back into the nucleus, Chunks of solid material that survive passing through the Earth's atmosphere and are found on the Earth's surface are called. c. ammonia and methane ice The moon, in this metaphor, are the arms, and the Earth is the body; as tidal friction slows down the Earth's rotation around its own axis, the moon moves farther away to conserve the overall . The largest planet in the solar system (by mass) is. What is the explanation for this? Which of the following is made of the densest material? E. Which of the following is a way that the planet Mercury is similar to the Moon? At the bottom of all the craters we see on the side facing us, In the highlands, but only on the side of the Moon facing away from Earth, Deep inside craters in the regions near the Moon's poles, In the maria, regions of the Moon that are water filled seas, You can't fool me, no water has ever been found on the Moon in any form. Mercury has the highest speed in its orbit of any planet. In its overall composition, the Moon roughly resembles: a. the Earth's core b. the Earth's crust and mantle c. comets d. Jupiter and Saturn e. no other body in the solar system d 7. At their centers, all the jovian planets have cores made of: a solid mixture of rocky and icy materials under great pressure, high pressure storm system in the atmosphere, made of a reddish colored material (but we don't know what gives it the reddish color). Subject: Astronomy Lesson 5 The Moon What is one important way in which both the Moon and Mercury are different from Earth? Which of the following statements about a comet approaching the Sun is FALSE? A crucial difference that helps explain why Venus is so hot and the Earth isn't is that: on Venus, there was eventually no ocean to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Which of the following is a way that the planet Mercury is similar to the Moon?-its surface is heavily cratered - it s surface is . 3. c. all except one (the first one) Astronomy Chapter 9 Flashcards | Quizlet Third Edition Editors Behrooz A. Akbarnia George H. Thompson . When he reaches the top of the hill, he is traveling at a speed vf.