MoD ODA spend includes training in human rights, rule of law, international humanitarian law, protection of civilians in conflict, maritime law, and the UK Hydrographic Office support to developing countries in maritime charting. The government says the cut to the foreign aid budget save will save around 4bn a year. DFIDs Annual Report provides information on DFIDs spending, performance and efficiency for 2019/20. The U.S. provides aid to countries that are recovering from war, developing countries, and countries that are strategically important to the U.S. As the data in the publication is largely based on administrative data it is not subject to sampling error. Spend increased by 56 million on 2018 to 207 million in 2019. Such spend comprises of, for example, centrally-funded research or programmes that develop policies which aim to benefit several developing countries. This chapter provides an overview of UK Official Development Assistance (ODA). The countries that give the most foreign aid are among the wealthiest nations in the world. Second, while the transition economies in Eastern Europe and Central Asia together . In comparison, Norways ODA spend (3.4bn) was roughly an eighth of the United States but its ODA:GNI ratio was 1.02% showing that Norway spends a larger share of its national income on ODA. Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF). warning that according to one estimate from the Centre for Global Development aid spending on in . EU attribution fluctuates from year to year in part because the EU works on a 7 year programming cycle and so EU disbursements in a given year can vary. For example, support to the World Food Programmes (WFP) Emergency Operations in Yemen, other bilateral: this is earmarked ODA spent directly by governments or through other delivery partners, such as Non-Governmental and Civil Society Organisations, research institutions and universities. Other reasons for fluctuations between years include the change in UKs share of the EU budget in comparison to other member states and exchange rate variations, in 2019, the UKs core contribution to IDA was 891 million, a decrease of 1,040 million from 2018. The relatively larger increase in the level of ODA in 2016 (by 1.2bn) reflects the switch to the European System of Accounts (ESA) 2010 methodology for measuring GNI and the consequent increase in UK ODA to meet the 0.7% ODA commitment on that basis. However, to provide an indication of the destination and sector of UK multilateral ODA, overall percentages of ODA disbursements by the relevant multilateral organisations are used to impute a UK estimate. CSSFs main activities in 2019 were: tackling conflict and building stability overseas; improving capacity and accountability of security and justice actors; strengthening the rules-based international order and its institution, including women, peace and security; economic development; tackling serious and organised crime; preventing violent extremism. See Annex 1 for more detail. The UK's foreign aid budget is being "raided" by the Home Office to cover the costs of hotel accommodation for refugees, a committee of MPs has claimed. When DFID or other UK government departments provide core funding to multilateral organisations, the funding is pooled with other donors funding and disbursed as part of the core budget of the multilaterals. DFID data for this publication is based on an extract of the ARIES database taken in June 2019, after the end of the calendar year 2019 and financial year 2019/20. Figure 9 legend: DFID (A) and Non-DFID (B) Breakdown of Country-Specific UK Bilateral ODA by Country Income Group, 2019. Figure 13: Bilateral ODA by Government Department and Major Sector, 2019. Dark blue = LDCs/Other LICs (Least Developed Countries/Other Low Income Countries), light blue = LMICs (Lower Middle Income Countries), grey = UMICs (Upper Middle Income Countries). This spend in the top 5 countries represents 28.3% of the total country-specific UK bilateral ODA in 2019, a slight reduction from 2018 when they comprised 31.2% of the total (Figure 6), in 2019 the top 3 recipients of UK bilateral country specific ODA were Pakistan (305m), Ethiopia (300m) and Afghanistan (292m) (Figure 6). Former international development secretary Andrew Mitchell has tabled an amendment . This is partly due to there being no contribution to the IMF- Poverty Reduction Growth Trust Fund in 2019, compared to a contribution of 120 million in 2015, in 5 of the 15 top recipient countries, the UK contributed 15% or more of total DAC donor ODA: Ethiopia, Nigeria, Democratic Republic of Congo, Yemen and Pakistan. This publication updates previous provisional figures of UK ODA for 2019 published in April 2020. Information on the main definitions and sources used in this publication can be found in Annexes 2 and 3 respectively of the Statistics on International Development publication. This sector has seen the largest increase in 2019 compared to 2018 - 237 million more than in 2018. From January 24, 2022, to January 15, 2023, the United States provided around 73.2 billion euros in bilateral financial . Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab unveiled his department's Overseas Development Assistance (ODA) allocations for 2021-22 in a written parliamentary statement Wednesday. UK Official Development Assistance (ODA) spend was 15,197 million, an increase of 645 million (4.4% increase) on 2018, UK bilateral ODA spend was 10,258 million (67.5% of total UK ODA) while UK core funding to multilaterals was 4,939 million (32.5% of total UK ODA), DFID spent 11,107 million of ODA in 2019. Compared to 2018, Government and Civil Society had an increased spend of 118 million in 2019, with the majority of this coming from DFID (90m). A project title and description are also provided. Figure 8 legend: Breakdown of Country-Specific UK Bilateral ODA by Country Income Group, 2009-2019. To view this licence, visit or write to the Information Policy Team, The National Archives, Kew, London TW9 4DU, or email: This drop in ODA, moved Nigeria from being the third largest recipient of UK country-specific bilateral ODA in 2018 to fifth in 2019 (Figure 7), Nigerias lowest position in 5 years. Because of this timing the latest estimates that are available are for 2018. If a multilateral organisation does not report to the DAC but works in multiple sectors and/or countries, then its core contributions are not allocated to a country or sector. Within Health, the top three spending areas in 2019 were Medical Research (339m), Family Planning (252m) and Infectious Disease Control (182m). ODA is defined as resource flows to developing countries and multilateral organisations, which are provided by official agencies (e.g. Other government departments will continue to publish throughout this period. Figure 5: Map of UK Bilateral ODA Spend by Recipient Country: 2019. The final ODA data and an updated GNI estimate are then used to calculate the final ODA:GNI ratio in the autumn publication. This is similar to 2017, of the 5 countries receiving the greatest amount of total DAC donor ODA (Afghanistan, Syria, India, Bangladesh and Ethiopia), three (Ethiopia, Afghanistan and Syria) were among the top five recipients of UK ODA. The grey section represents the proportion of total UK ODA that was channelled as core contributions to multilaterals, Core Multilateral. Luxembourg made the largest contribution as a percentage of gross national income (GNI) at 1.05% and . LONDON British ministers are being urged to spend the U.K.'s constrained aid budget in the world's poorest and most vulnerable nations rather than allocating spending to the Home Office. [2] China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)announced in 2013is the flagship under which China has made hundreds of pledges to support different countries and . As part of his spending review, chancellor Rishi Sunak has announced a cut to the UK's foreign aid budget, which will be reduced from 2021 from 0.7% of gross national income to 0.5%.. This was a 11.0% increase (1,019m) compared to 2018. The Government also announced a one-off supplement of $304.7 million for the COVID-19 response in the Pacific and Timor . A more detailed breakdown of the broad sectors is given in Additional Table A7. UK ODA can be classified into sectors depending on its purpose, e.g. Core contributions will fluctuate from year to year in part due to the payment schedules of the receiving multilateral organisation. Within this major sector the top three spending areas were Research/Scientific institutions (358m), Multisector Aid (307m) and Environmental Policy and Administrative Management (208m). In particular, DFIDs bilateral ODA spend increased by 711 million, to 7,064 million in 2019. The fall reflected the Government's decision to reduce aid spending from 0.7% to 0.5% of Gross National Income (GNI) as a "temporary measure" in response to the pandemic's effects on the UK's public finances and economy. The government reduced its annual aid budget from 0.7% of gross national income (GNI), which is a measure of the amount produced by the economy, to 0.5% this year. UK climate finance spending by government department, 2011/12-2016/17. The UK government has been signed up to the target since 1974, but reached it for the first . Additional Tables and Annexes are available. This followed a peak in 2017 as a result of high levels of humanitarian aid. The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office is now responsible for producing the Statistics on International Development statistical series, the designation of National Statistics carries through to the new Department. Dark blue = LDCs/Other LICs (Least Developed Countries/Other Low Income Countries), light blue = LMICs (Lower Middle Income Countries), grey = UMICs (Upper Middle Income Countries). This report contains the release of finalised UK ODA spend figures for the calendar year 2019, including: Comparisons between 2018 and 2019 ODA figures are made, as well as trends over the last 5 years (2015 to 2019 inclusive as shown in most tables). Since 1970, the UN has set a target for donor countries to contribute 0.7% of their GNI to foreign aid. See section 4.3.3 for information on how we estimate which countries and sectors the UK core contributions benefit, Information on the Cross-Government Prosperity Fund, In 2019, frontline diplomatic activity (the FCOs administrative costs not included elsewhere, which are reported under FCO spend as Aid-related frontline diplomacy in support of aid flows to ) were reported at the country level compared to recent years when they were reported at the regional level. Because the UK economy is set to get bigger over the next few years the real value of development aid spending is expected to increase. Figure 16 shows the UK remained the third largest DAC donor in 2019 at 15.2 billion, behind the United States (27.1bn) and Germany (18.7bn). Thursday, March 2nd, 2023 2:19am. Dark blue = Pakistan, light blue = Ethiopia, grey = Afghanistan, pink = Yemen, teal = Nigeria. This was partly driven by frontline diplomacy, Yemen (fourth largest recipient of UK ODA in 2019) saw the largest increase in bilateral ODA spend, increasing by 56.5% from 166 million in 2018 to 260 million in 2019, surpassing the spend in 2017 (205m) (Figure 6). Canada - Unlike other countries, Canada has taken a unique feminist approach. There are two types of bilateral ODA: Core multilateral ODA is un-earmarked funding from national governments to multilateral organisations[footnote 4], which are pooled with other donors funding and disbursed as part of the core budget of the multilateral organisation[footnote 5]. Prior to the anniversary, the US was Ukraine 's biggest backer, offering around $80billion (66.8bn) in aid, the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, a global tracker of aid sent to Kyiv, found . A casual observer might be optimistic about the future of Canadian aid. This could have an impact on the recent trends of some recipient countries. The ONS produce estimates for UK Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Gross National Income (GNI) on a quarterly basis. Section 4.1 provides a detailed breakdown of ODA spending by recipient region and country; section 4.2 provides a breakdown of ODA spending by sector (for example, health or humanitarian aid); and . Highlighted countries are those in receipt of UK bilateral ODA, and colours are based on amount received (dark blue=higher amounts UK Bilateral ODA received, light blue=lower amounts UK Bilateral ODA received). Note that provisional 2019 spend from other DAC donors is used in this chart. See humanitarian factsheet (p. 35) for more background. The proportion of bilateral through multilateral slightly increased compared to 2018 - accounting for 20.2% of UK ODA. The Telegraph. From 2018 onwards, ODA has changed from being measured on a cash basis to being measured on a grant equivalent basis, following a decision taken by the DAC in 2014[footnote 3]. The saving . It also provides small grants to organisations based in Wales to promote development awareness. developing country, unspecified ODA) (Figure 11). According to a note from OECD, the top countries that donated money in 2020 are the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, Japan, and France. The United Kingdom's aid budget is to be effectively cut by 580 million ($800 million) in 2022, after it was revealed that canceling debt owed by Sudan will count toward the nation's reduced . In 2019, frontline diplomatic activity (the FCOs administrative costs not included elsewhere, which are reported under FCO spend as Aid-related frontline diplomacy in support of aid flows to ) were reported at the country level compared to recent years when they were reported at the regional level. Britain's foreign aid budget soared 623million to a record 15.2billion in 2019, it has emerged. Here are the six types of foreign aid: 1. Top 5 country-specific recipients of UK ODA, Figure 6: Top 5 country-specific bilateral ODA recipients, 2009-2019. The most significant reduction was seen in Turkey (16.3m decrease since 2018) reversing previous increases in funding (2016 and 2017) to support displaced refugees during the Syria Crisis. Major sectors are ordered from top to bottom by largest 2019 ODA spend. This was an increase of 211 million (or 1.9%) compared with 2018. This is the estimate for the non-DFID share of the EU ODA budget. 24/11/22 04:38. Bilateral ODA is earmarked spend either through multilateral organisations or other delivery partners, compared with multilateral ODA which is un-earmarked funding to multilateral organisations[footnote 9]. The Cross-Government Prosperity Fund promotes economic reform and development in recipient countries. The portion of Gift Aid claimed by UK based international development charities that is then used on ODA eligible activities. The Joint Funds are covered separately as a whole, regardless of which Government Department spends the money. UK ODA spend includes DFID spend, ODA spend by government departments other than DFID and other sources of ODA (such as EU attribution and Gift Aid). Other Government Departments spent 3,398 million of ODA in 2019, increasing by 434 million on 2018, Home Office spent 452 million of ODA in 2019, an increase of 115 million, or 34.0%, on 2018. , The Global Partnership for Education is an example of a sectoral-specific fund where amounts allocated to countries is not known in advance. Britain still gives mega-rich China 51.7million in foreign aid despite promises to end the handouts. Only asylum seekers within the first 12 months after they make a claim for asylum in the UK are included. 3-min read. Aid is financed from US taxpayers and other revenue sources that Congress appropriates . Liz Truss under pressure to find savings across Whitehall as she tries to control spending and reduce debt after her tax-cutting mini-Budget. The President's Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 Budget Request for the State Department and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is $60.4 billion, which includes $29.4 billion for USAID fully and partially managed accounts, $1.7 billion (6 percent) above the FY 2022 Request. Entertainment & Pop Culture; Geography & Travel; Health & Medicine; Lifestyles & Social Issues; Literature; Philosophy & Religion; Politics, Law & Government The final ODA data and an updated GNI estimate for 2019 released by the ONS in June have been used to calculate the final ODA:GNI ratio in this publication and to report to the OECD. The Prime Minister will walk into the G7 summit as the only leader who is cutting development aid to the world's poorest. BBC World Service contributes to the BBCs international news mission to address the global gap in provision of trusted news by broadcasting and distributing accurate, impartial and independent news and analysis in developing countries. Ireland and Norway complete the top five nations in the index. This was an increase of 211 million (or 1.9%) compared with 2018, ODA spend by departments other than DFID and other contributors of UK ODA was 4,090 million in 2019, an increase of 434 million, or 11.9%, on 2018, Africa remained the largest recipient of UK region-specific bilateral ODA in 2019 accounting for 50.6%, the top 3 recipients of UK bilateral country specific ODA were Pakistan (305m), Ethiopia (300m) and Afghanistan (292m), UK bilateral ODA to Yemen was 260 million, an increase of 94 million compared to 2018 - this was the largest increase to any country in 2019, the largest amount of bilateral ODA was focused on Humanitarian Aid (1,536m), Health (1,431m) and Multisector/ Cross-Cutting (1,325m) sectors. II. For further information on development issues and FCDO policies, please contact the Public Enquiry Point on 020 7008 5000. Section 3 - sectoral data on education, health and water supply & sanitation plus general data on other sectors. The UK government made a commitment to spend 0.7% of GNI on ODA from 2013. Data for this publication comes from the following sources: i) DFIDs ARIES database that records financial transactions relating to DFID payments and receipts. , For further analysis on DAC country donors, see the OECD report on donors provisional figures. Table 4. Whilst the majority of funding is delivered via multi-year programmes or spending commitments, each year the CSSF reviews its spending via the allocations process. Where we have identified any third party copyright information you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. Non-DAC members included in the OECD's publishing are listed separately. In Table 3, 27.5 million for the UKs assessed contribution to ODA eligible EU civilian peacekeeping missions is reported in these statistics by the Conflict, Stability and Security Fund, as the fund responsible for spending. They are published prior to the release of final ODA statistics by the OECD DAC for all OECD members. In 2022, the United States government donated over 12 billion U.S. dollars in humanitarian aid worldwide. While there has been an increase since 2018, the total bilateral ODA to Africa remains below this peak (7m less than levels in 2017). The FCO ODA programmes concentrated on the strategic objectives of promoting global prosperity, and strengthening global peace, security and governance. See our technical note for more information. ODA eligible countries are classified into 4 groups Least Developed (LDC), Other Low Income (Other LIC), Lower Middle Income (LMIC) and Upper Middle Income (UMIC) Countries. The country names and numbers inside each bar are how the rank for that country compared to last year (2018), coloured in red if its decreased (with a red downward pointing arrow), green if its increased (with a green upward pointing arrow) and black if its unmoving (with black horizontal pointing arrow). The UK's foreign aid budget is being "raided" by the Home Office to cover the costs of hotel accommodation for refugees, a committee of MPs has claimed. These funds are overseen by the National Security Council (NSC[footnote 6]), that sets overall strategic direction. The Statistics on International Development: Provisional Aid Spend 2019 publication outlines provisional ODA spend information and an estimate of GNI for 2019 published by ONS in March to calculate a provisional estimate of the ODA:GNI ratio. In 2019, 659 million was delivered through the fund, an increase of 54 million compared to 2018. Figure 1 legend: The blue bars are the UK ODA spend from 1970 to 2019, the pink line is the calculated ODA:GNI ratio from 1970 to 2019 and the grey dashed line is the 0.7% ODA:GNI target set by the United Nations General Assembly in 1970. Using this approach, Luxembourg is rated the most principled aid donor, followed closely by the UK and Sweden. Figure 9: Breakdown of DFID (A) and non-DFID (B), Country/region Specific proportion of Bilateral ODA by Region, 2015 & 2019. Figure 2 legend: Total UK ODA by main delivery channel. Africa continues to be the region receiving the largest proportion of UK bilateral ODA allocated to a specific country or region (50.6%). In addition, the CSSFs Rapid Response Mechanism allows funding to be released immediately, across government departments to respond to a crisis. The headline grant equivalent measure of UK ODA for 2019 was 15,197 million, compared to 15,179 million on the cash basis measurement (a difference of 0.1%). This was the largest year-on-year increase compared to the other income groups, 43.0% of spend within this category consists of project-type interventions and includes expenditure on multi-country or multi-region projects. Dont include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details. The British government has ended direct bilateral aid to more than 100 countries and territories, according to a Devex analysis of a letter written by Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab. A small proportion of non-DFID spend is estimated, for example Gift Aid on ODA eligible activity. Figure 7 legend: Top 10 Recipients of UK 2019 Bilateral ODA[footnote 14]. Over 5 years: Like the Americas, ODA spend in Europe[footnote 12] is small compared to Asia and Africa. Correspondingly, 11 African countries featured in the UK's top 20 recipient countries. Multilateral Aid: When multiple governments pool resources in cooperation with organizations like the World Bank, the IMF, and the UN. 2019 spend coloured in dark blue, 2018 spend in light blue. In 2018, there was 4 million of Debt Relief. For example the UKs contribution to the World Bank International Development Association. The increase in capital will be used to make investments in Africa and South Asia, ODA spend by departments other than DFID (Other Government Departments - OGDs) and other contributors of UK ODA (referred to collectively in Table 2 as non-DFID spend) was 4,090 million in 2019, an increase of 434 million, or 11.9%, on 2018, ODA spend by Other Government Departments was the driver behind the increase in non-DFID ODA, with the top 7 highest spending departments all spending more when compared with 2018. This allows you to filter projects by country and sector and view further details about the project as published in documents such as the business case and annual review. However, a closer examination of recent trends and the latest federal budget reveals a grimmer picture. Information on this spend can be found in the Office for National Statistics, Living costs and Food Survey or the Charities Aid Foundations UK giving report. For the 2019 ODA:GNI ratio, the GNI estimate is based on the pre-Blue Book 2019 framework since the first quarterly estimate of 2019 GNI under the new framework did not become available until 30 September 2019. in 2020, UK Official Development Assistance (ODA) spend was 14,479 million, a decrease of 698 million (4.6 % decrease) on 2019. The Prosperity Fund is an innovative cross-government fund, focused on Official Development Assistance (ODA) eligible middle income countries and emerging economies. The UK is participating in the OECD DAC Peer Review process in 2019/20. A glossary, explaining key terms used throughout this report, is available in Annex 1, See commitments made by the UK and other donors at the 2005 G8 Summit in Gleneagles, For more information on the grant equivalent measure and the impact on UK ODA, see background note 6.2, The multilateral must be on the OECD DAC list of eligible multilaterals in order to receive unearmarked funding. Figure 18 legend: Top 15 recipient countries of total ODA from the DAC donor countries in 2018 and the UKs share of ODA in these recipient countries (orange) compared to other DAC countries ODA share (blue). Multilateral organisations offer economies of scale in their operations and expertise, and often have the mandate and legitimacy to work in politically sensitive situations. 3 minutes read. The dark blue section represents the proportion of total UK ODA delivered through Other Bilateral channels. ODA spend allocated to Africa increased by 125 million increase in 2019 to 2,989 million, whilst the percentage share remained similar to the share in 2018 (50.6%), (Figure 4). In 2019, 57.6% (5,908m) of the UKs bilateral ODA was allocated to a specific country or region. Wed like to set additional cookies to understand how you use GOV.UK, remember your settings and improve government services. The 2019 final ODA:GNI ratio is based on a GNI estimate published by the ONS on 30 June 2020. , From 2018 onwards, Official Development Assistance (ODA) has changed from being measured on a cash basis to a grant equivalent basis, following a decision taken by the DAC in 2014. Over 5 years: ODA to the Americas is on a smaller scale than spend to Africa and Asia, however despite the drop this year, it had been increasing steadily year-on-year from 159 million in 2015 to 355 million in 2018. Figure 17: DAC Donors Provisional ODA:GNI Ratio, 2018 and 2019[footnote 26]. The top 3 recipients of Humanitarian Aid spend were Yemen (219m), Syria (194m) and Bangladesh (125m). Figure 13 legend: DFIDs and Other Government Departments and Other Contributors of ODA (non-DFID) spend by sector, 2019 ( million).