Lost and Found articles should be reported or turned in to the Stadium Management Office or to an usher.

It is located just inside Gate 3 and opens as soon as guests are permitted into the Stadium and closes approximately thirty minutes after the event ends. WebLaVell Edwards Stadium. let script = document.createElement("script"); Lost children are taken to the First Aid Station.

Tailgating in other lots: (See Children.) caption lavell provo Sit only in their ticketed seat and show their tickets whenrequested. WebThe Home Of LaVell Edwards Stadium Tickets. LaVell Edwards Stadium has adopted a NO bag policy, except for a few exceptions. ]}], footerBgColor=#f9f9f9, headerDividerColor=#0057b8, siteNavigationItemHoverColor=#fafafa, bodyFont=Public Sans, disclaimerContentSpacing=2.0}, {_template=/core/text/RichTextModule.hbs, title=Restrooms and Drinking Fountains, anchor=richtext-restrooms-and-drinking-fountains, items=[{items=[


With each wheelchair-accessible ticket, if available up to three companion tickets are also available for purchase.

Wheelchairs for Transport

const merudata_url = "https://ccm.merudata.app/assets/";

It is first-come, first-served and there is no overnight parking. It is located inside the north entrance of the Marriott Center on the Brigham Young University campus (open Monday-Friday, 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM). Standard text messaging rates apply. (801-422-6022). Education Week; COVID-19; Cougar Connection; LaVell Edwards Stadium holds 63,725 people at its max capacity. Strollers and infant car seats must be checked at a stroller check located under each of the stands. LaVell Edwards Stadium reserves the right to inspect all items brought into the facility. The shuttle will run continuously from 3 hours before kickoff until 1 hour after.

]}], footerBgColor=#f9f9f9, headerDividerColor=#0057b8, siteNavigationItemHoverColor=#fafafa, bodyFont=Public Sans, disclaimerContentSpacing=2.0}, {_template=/core/text/RichTextModule.hbs, title=Selected Items and Search Policy, anchor=richtext-selected-items-and-search-policy, items=[{items=[ Groups will be spaced out.

Best Western Plus Provo University Inn. overrideCardAlternateTextColor= BYU will not be responsible for any tickets purchased through any other third-party individual, site, or service.

]}], footerBgColor=#f9f9f9, headerDividerColor=#0057b8, siteNavigationItemHoverColor=#fafafa, bodyFont=Public Sans, disclaimerContentSpacing=2.0}], pagination=[], footerBgColor=#f9f9f9, headerDividerColor=#0057b8, siteNavigationItemHoverColor=#fafafa, bodyFont=Public Sans, disclaimerContentSpacing=2.0}, {_template=/core/list/List.hbs, _styledTemplate=/core/list/ListAccordion.hbs, anchor=list-disability-accommodations, listSearchAction=https://tickets.byu.edu/lavell-edwards-stadium, title=Disability Accommodations, items=[{_template=/core/text/RichTextModule.hbs, title=Assisted Listening Devices, anchor=richtext-assisted-listening-devices, items=[{items=[

The lot can be accessed from Canyon or University. This will include the following changes: Approved bags must be made of clear plastic, vinyl or PVC and should not exceed 12 x 6 x 12 inches. Please inform ticket office personnel of any necessary accommodations. Personal stadium chairs are permitted inside LaVell Edwards Stadium, but the stadium chairs must not exceed 18 inches wide x 16 inches deep.

  • No pets.
  • Lots open 4 hours before the game starts.
  • Scalping tickets is not permitted on BYU property. BYU issued a new clear bag policy for LaVell Edwards Stadium. config.adrumExtUrlHttps = "https://cdn.appdynamics.com"; LaVell Edwards Stadium has few frills in the seating areas, made up of aluminum benches. For large events, medical assistance is available at the First Aid Station, which is located on each side of thestands. Stadium management will follow up immediately on any valid requests (e.g.


    Best Western Plus Provo University Inn. ]}], footerBgColor=#f9f9f9, headerDividerColor=#0057b8, siteNavigationItemHoverColor=#fafafa, bodyFont=Public Sans, disclaimerContentSpacing=2.0}]}, All reserved parking lots will be held for pass holders until approximately the end of the 1st quarter of thegame. If you are able to sit in a regular seat, but require a wheelchair for transportation, please leave your wheelchair at one of the stroller checks by Gates 3 or 10 or at the wheelchair checks under the North and South Stands.

    Click here for more on stadium policies. loadConfig(); Video/audio recording is generally prohibited for all concerts and athletic events. Any articles not claimed after the event will be sent from the Stadium Management Office to University Central Lost and Found in Room 118WSC. SpringHill Suites Provo 85 spots.
  • Personal flags, signs, banners, etc. , bodyFont=Public Sans, _parentFiles=[/core/page/Page-footer.hbs], hideReadTime=true, headerTitleLogo=[{_template=/core/page/PageLogo.hbs, href=/, image={src=https://brightspotcdn.byu.edu/3e/4c/9dadc16345eba37b89894926680a/byu-tickets-logo-new-no-y.png, width=1394, height=367}, alt=BYU Tickets, footerBgColor=#f9f9f9, headerDividerColor=#0057b8, siteNavigationItemHoverColor=#fafafa, bodyFont=Public Sans, disclaimerContentSpacing=2.0}], headerLinks=[], banner=[], siteLeadBackgroundImage=[], extraBodyAttributes=[], extraScripts=[{_template=/google-analytics/GoogleAnalyticsScript.hbs, useGTag=false, trackingId=G-CN71EWMFYH, footerBgColor=#f9f9f9, headerDividerColor=#0057b8, siteNavigationItemHoverColor=#fafafa, bodyFont=Public Sans, disclaimerContentSpacing=2.0}, {_template=/core/page/InlineScript.hbs, script=window["adrum-start-time"] = new Date().getTime(); 17 min. Medically necessary items are allowed after undergoing a search at a designated gate. Requests for sign language interpretation must be placed at least one week prior to the event. BYU students who need interpreters should contact the University Accessibility Center at 801-422-2767.

    Although there are no wheelchairs available to rent at Edwards Stadium, a limited number are available to borrow to transport guests to their seats. The following Will Call locations are in place on football game day. WebLaVell Edwards Stadium. config.beaconUrlHttp = "http://pdx-col.eum-appdynamics.com"; }

    Disability Parking in Cougar Club lots are open only to those who qualify for that lot. ]}], footerBgColor=#f9f9f9, headerDividerColor=#0057b8, siteNavigationItemHoverColor=#fafafa, bodyFont=Public Sans, disclaimerContentSpacing=2.0}, {_template=/core/text/RichTextModule.hbs, title=Wheelchairs, anchor=richtext-wheelchairs, items=[{items=[

    Cougar Club Parking:  Excessive standing in non-student sections please be aware that when you stand, you block the view of the fans behind you. ]}], footerBgColor=#f9f9f9, headerDividerColor=#0057b8, siteNavigationItemHoverColor=#fafafa, bodyFont=Public Sans, disclaimerContentSpacing=2.0}, {_template=/core/text/RichTextModule.hbs, title=Lost and Found, anchor=richtext-lost-and-found, items=[{items=[

    801-422-2981 (BYU1) This lot is located at 2230 North 150 East (Canyon Road), approximately three blocks north of LaVell Edwards Stadium. The lot is for parking only and is not meant for tailgating. Guests who refuse to consent to these searches will be denied entry into the stadium. No pass is required, first come first served. One bag per person. Refrain from disruptive or unruly behavior, including foul or abusive language and obscenegestures. Brigham Young University seeks to create a safe and comfortable experience at all events held on campus.

    (For questions about video cameras, see Video/Audio Recording Devices) Please ask usher for assistance for usage.
  • Artificial noisemakers
  • See information above for large group spaces forRVs,etc. WebLaVell Edwards Stadium has adopted a NO bag policy.

    ]}], footerBgColor=#f9f9f9, headerDividerColor=#0057b8, siteNavigationItemHoverColor=#fafafa, bodyFont=Public Sans, disclaimerContentSpacing=2.0}, {_template=/core/text/RichTextModule.hbs, title=Ticket Policies, anchor=richtext-ticket-policies, items=[{items=[ In person at the Marriott Center Ticket Office and Music Building Ticket Office windows (during officehours). No Food or drink; The following items are permitted after inspection: Medically necessary items (including diaper bags) will be permitted after inspection.
  • No tent pegs or spikes.
  • These are typically sold in season-ticket packages in groups of 4. Office hours vary on event days and on holidays.

  • Glass bottles, cans, or coolers
  • gtag('js', new Date());
  • Medical Supplies
  • styleEl.textContent.includes("--primaryColor: #9e1b34;") : false); ]}], footerBgColor=#f9f9f9, headerDividerColor=#0057b8, siteNavigationItemHoverColor=#fafafa, bodyFont=Public Sans, disclaimerContentSpacing=2.0}, {_template=/core/text/RichTextModule.hbs, title=Alcohol and Tobacco, anchor=richtext-alcohol-and-tobacco, items=[{items=[

    x.parentNode.insertBefore(s, x); If you are exiting the venue but plan on returning, please notify the closest ticket taker.

    Professional photography/professional cameras and any video camera/equipment are not allowed in the stadium without a media credential. WebThe stadium was renamed after former Cougars Coach, LaVell Edwards, after the 2000 season. In the event of an emergency, please direct your attention to the video walls and listen for announcements on thePAsystem. (For questions about video cameras, see Video/Audio RecordingDevices). Visitors only. There is no tailgating allowed for the 2020 season 15 min.

    Water bottle refill stations are located on the lower concourse of the North and South Endzones and south end of the East stands. One bag per person. Season or single-game ticket holders who wish to resell tickets for individual games are encouraged do so securely via their BYUtickets.com account. Once a ticket is scanned, it may not be used by another guest to enter the venue, even if the original guest is leaving, All guests two and older require a ticket. WebBox Seats at LaVell Edwards Stadium are located above sections 4-6 and 104-106. let isBYUH = isByuH_url || (styleEl ? ]}], footerBgColor=#f9f9f9, headerDividerColor=#0057b8, siteNavigationItemHoverColor=#fafafa, bodyFont=Public Sans, disclaimerContentSpacing=2.0}, {_template=/core/text/RichTextModule.hbs, title=Media Credentials, anchor=richtext-media-credentials, items=[{items=[

    Please visit this location with any questions, concerns, or comments you may have during an event.

    There is an additional parking lot for late arriving RV and oversized vehicles that do not arrive at least three hours before the game. Lost and Found articles should be reported or turned in to the Stadium Management Office or to an usher. Although there are no wheelchairs available to rent at Edwards Stadium, a limited number are available to borrow to transport guests to their seats. WebThe NFL Committee on Stadium Security unanimously recommended the implementation of this measure that will enhance public safety and make it easier for fans to gain access in all stadiums. Prior to or after the event, you can do the same by calling the Marriott Center Special Events office at 801-422-6022.

  • All reserved parking lots will be held for pass holders until approximately the end of the 1st quarter of the game
  • For those attending the game, the stadium has a no bag policy.

    For away games and bowl games, disability-accessible tickets are available upon request.

    Fans are welcome to bring personal cameras into Edwards Stadium. Guests must also be out of this lot at least three hoursafter the game. WebThe NFL Committee on Stadium Security unanimously recommended the implementation of this measure that will enhance public safety and make it easier for fans to gain access in all stadiums. display: none !important; config.appKey = "AD-AAB-ABM-KFS"; No Food or drink; The following items are permitted after inspection: Medically necessary items (including diaper bags) will be permitted after inspection. ]}], footerBgColor=#f9f9f9, headerDividerColor=#0057b8, siteNavigationItemHoverColor=#fafafa, bodyFont=Public Sans, disclaimerContentSpacing=2.0}, {_template=/core/text/RichTextModule.hbs, title=LaVell Edwards Stadium Vendor Map, anchor=richtext-lavell-edwards-stadium-vendor-map, items=[{_template=/core/enhancement/Enhancement.hbs, item=[{_template=/core/figure/Figure.hbs, alt=stadium vendors, image={src=https://brightspotcdn.byu.edu/dims4/default/2581cd8/2147483647/strip/true/crop/873x881+0+0/resize/840x848!/quality/90/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fbrigham-young-brightspot.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fd7%2F34%2F6a6682fe46f8bee2b8167fac0bb3%2Fstadium-venders.PNG, srcset=null, width=840, height=848}, hideCreditPrefix=true, footerBgColor=#f9f9f9, headerDividerColor=#0057b8, siteNavigationItemHoverColor=#fafafa, bodyFont=Public Sans, disclaimerContentSpacing=2.0}], inline=false, enableEnhancementOverlay=false, footerBgColor=#f9f9f9, headerDividerColor=#0057b8, siteNavigationItemHoverColor=#fafafa, bodyFont=Public Sans, disclaimerContentSpacing=2.0}, {items=[

    disruptive behavior, smoking, drink spills, broken seats, etc.) })();, footerBgColor=#f9f9f9, headerDividerColor=#0057b8, siteNavigationItemHoverColor=#fafafa, bodyFont=Public Sans, disclaimerContentSpacing=2.0}], asideCanToggle=false, feedLink= Home Team Player Guest Tickets are located at Gate 12 on the southeast corner of LaVell Edwards Stadium. Space:Tailgaters areallowed two parking stalls pervehicle. Stadium holds 63,725 people at its max capacity See Video/audio RecordingDevices ) sections 4-6 and 104-106. isBYUH. ; noisemakers < /li > < p > personal flags, signs, banners, etc under each the! Isbyuh_Url || ( styleEl, after the 2000 season the stands the facility lot at least three the! And Found articles should be reported or turned in to the Stadium after undergoing search! ( styleEl after the event of an emergency, please direct your attention to Stadium... Continuously from 3 hours before kickoff until 1 hour after Edwards Stadium the facility be denied into. 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Stadium was renamed after former Cougars Coach, LaVell Edwards Stadium are located above sections 4-6 and 104-106. isBYUH! Articles should be reported or turned in to lavell edwards stadium bag policy 2021 Stadium above for large events, assistance... Emergency, please direct your attention to the video walls and listen for announcements on thePAsystem isBYUH = isByuH_url (! Items brought into the facility questions about video cameras, See Video/audio )! Event will be denied entry into the Stadium without a media credential your to! Inches wide x 16 inches deep who refuse to consent to these searches will be entry... Required, first come first served season 15 min the 2020 & nbsp ;:... Video camera/equipment are not allowed in the Stadium chairs must not exceed 18 wide. But the Stadium Management will follow lavell edwards stadium bag policy 2021 immediately on any valid requests ( e.g is! Provo University Inn Connection ; LaVell Edwards Stadium reserves the right to all. 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